Articles not included in the collected works of issue 1 (A-O)

Только Паскаль в своем рассуждении о величии и ничтожестве человека как единой реальности и единой теме для мысли разрывает этот круг и выходит за пределы механического рядоположения "хвалы" и "хулы". Так начался новый мир, в котором мы живем до сих пор.


1 Hieron. ep. XXII, 30.

2 Petrarca 1906, р. 79.

3 Daniel 1862, р. 266:

Ad Maronis mausoleum

Ductus, fudlt super eum

Piae rorem lacrimae;

Quern te, inquit, reddidissem,

Si te vivum invenissem,

Poetarum maxime!

4 A different point of view is held by A. H. Gorfunkel (Gorfunkel 1977, p. 72): "Such a "Christianization" of the pagan thinker meant the highest measure of justification. Dante saved the ancient poets and sages from the torments of hell. Petrarch is ready to include them in his "pantheon". "Pantheon" is too strong a word in this context: to say that if a pagan sage had become acquainted with Christianity, he would have recognized its superiority over his own wisdom, is not quite the same as to put his wisdom on a par with Christianity, or even on a par with it. But the most important practical question in clarifying the historical and cultural specifics of Petrarch as a man of the Renaissance in comparison with his medieval predecessors is the question of how this place looks against the background of similar places in Christian literature of previous eras. Unfortunately, in the talented book by A. H. Gorfunkel does not even put it: the count is carried out directly from Dante.

5 Lagardeed. 1881.

6 Hieron. ep. LIV, 7.

7 August, ep. CLXIV, 4.

8 Lact. Inst. div., IV, 24.

9 Tert. De anima, 20.

10 Bar/owed. 1938.

11 Hieron. Deviris illustr., 12.

12 Losev, 1930, p. 804: "Platonism is the philosophy of monasticism and eldership. Monasticism and eldership are dialectically necessary moments in Plato's understanding of social being."

13 For example, in his teaching on marital fidelity, which is required not only of a woman but also of a man, and in such a way that to know only one woman in his life is not merely a duty but happiness for him (Cato junior, 7, 3).

14 "Quant au Ciceron, je suis du jugement commun que, hors la science, il n'y avait pas beacoup d'excellence en son ame: il etait bon citoyen, d'une nature debonnaire, comme sont volontiers les hommes gras et gausseurs, tel gu'il etait; mais de molesse et de vanite ambi-tieuse, il en avait, sans mentir, beaucoup" (Essais, 11, 10).

15 Lact. Inst. div., VI, 18.

16 Lact. Inst. div., Ill, 25.

17 August. Confessiones, III, 4.

18 Petrarca. Op. cit., p. 98.

19 Per. F. F. Zelinsky (Zelinsky 1922, vol. 1, p. 37).

20 Tusc., V, 2, 5.