Articles not included in the collected works of issue 1 (A-O)

36 Hist. Nat., XXXV, 36, 5.

37 Hist. Nat., XXXV, 36, 10. 88 Hist. Nat., XXXVI, 4, 4.

39 Vasari 1896, p. 489.

40 Ibid., p. 942.

41 Deorat., I, 10,40.

42 Deorat, I, 23, 106.

43 De orat, III, 2, 6.

44 Inst. orat, II, 16, 17. 46 Inst orat., IV, 1, 70.

46 Inst. orat, X, 1,83.

47 De arte poetica, 400 etc.

48 Cicero calls Plato "as if he were a kind of god of philosophers" (Denat. deor. ?, 12, 32); an even more striking example is the poetic deification of Epicurus by Lucretius.

49 Usually divus, but also divinus princeps, e.g. in Nazarius' panegyric to Constantine the Great, XXXV, 3. In the very center of the world of late antiquity stand the figures of the sage and the monarch as images that are relative and precisely for this reason competing; already on the threshold of the epoch there is a significant "agon" of the legendary meeting between Alexander and Diogenes.

50 Cf. Burckhardt 1908, p. 180.

51 A. Politiani epigrammata latina, LXXXVI (Marullo, Poliziano, Sannazzaro 1976, p. 82).

52 Thilo 1878, p. 2.

53 Trist, IV, 10, 1.

54 "Leviorum artium studium".

55 See: Tatarkiewicz 1962.

56 Elegantiae Linguae Latinae, praef.

57 Dolci 1557, p. 164.

58 Vasari. Op. cit., p. 343.

58 Florida, 9, 32 Oudenorp.

60 Dionis or. XII.

61 Enneades, V, 8, 40.

62 Orator, 2, 8.

63 Dionis or, XII, 70-71.

64 Ср. Брагинская 1981, с. 224-289; Око же 7070, с. 146-149.

65 Deorat, I, 166-203.

66 Florida, 20.

67 Пер. Б. Л. Пастернака.

Авторство и авторитет

Источник: Историческая поэтика. Литературные эпохи и типы художественного сознания. М., 1994, с. 105-125