Collected Works, Volume 1

Repentance cleanses all sins, whatever they may be (Exhortation 1 to Theodore the Fallen).

Repentance is judged not for a long time, but from the fervor of the heart (Exhortation 1 to Theodore the Fallen).

Five days are enough for repentance of sins; if you are sober, you will pray, you will be vigilant (Discourse 6 on Blessed Philogonia).

As long as we remain here, we have a great deal of hope; and as soon as we depart from here, it will not be in our strength to repent (Homily 2 on Lazarus).

One should not be ashamed of repentance, but of sin (Discourse 8 on Repentance).

Repentance without mercy is dead (Discourse 7 on Repentance).

For a sinner, repentance is annoying and terrible. (For the penitent) the healing of sins, the destruction of iniquities, the outpouring of tears, hope in God, weapons against the devil, the sword that takes away his head, the hope of salvation, the destruction of despair (Discourse 8 on Repentance).

True repentance consists not only in abstaining from the first sins, but in doing even more good (Discourse 10 on the Evangelist Matthew).

The prayers of the saints have great power, but only if we have repentance and correct ourselves (Discourse 5 on the Evangelist Matthew).

Whoever repents after his sin is worthy not to weep, but to be considered blessed (Discourse 11 on 1 of the Epistle to the Corinthians).

Discourse on Repentance

Composition of repentance:

I. One must renounce oneself, that is, one's own will and passionate lusts, strive against all sin, and not only do not do it by deed, but also drive it away from thought.