Collected Works, Volume 1

d) The article "On the Labors of St. Tikhon in the Administration of the Voronezh Diocese," published in the addenda to the "Works of the Holy Fathers," a journal published at the Moscow Theological Academy, in Book 3 for 1862. Tikhon. It contains information about the orders of the saint for the diocese, stored in the archives of the Voronezh Consistory. Without this information, the biography of the saint would have remained far from complete.

e) The "deeds" kept in the archives of the Holy Synod on Tikhon's appointment as a teacher while he was still a student: on his transfer to Tver, on his appointment to the Novgorod Vicariate, on his consecration to the Bishopric, on his transfer to the Voronezh diocese, on his petition to leave the sums left by his predecessor for the correction of the Council and the Bishop's House, on his petitions for retirement due to illness and for dismissal.

f) "Works" of St. Tikhon. Reading and studying the works of this Father of our Church greatly helped the author to penetrate into the inner life of the saint in retirement.

In addition, the author had in mind "The Life of Our Father Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, All Russia the Wonderworker" – the second edition, supplemented by St. Petersburg, 1862, and "The Life of the Newly-Appeared God-pleaser Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh and Yeletsk, with the addition of selected passages from his works". Second edition, supplemented, Moscow, 1862.

I conclude this preface with the words of St. Tikhon:

If anyone thinks something coarse in any reasoning, I gladly declare to him that what is sought here is benefit, and not pleasure, salvation, and not man-pleasing. If anyone who is enlightened, having understanding, more than expectation, reads something worthy of correction, then I ask you to attribute it to my stupidity, and not to my will. Be saved in Christ, dear brother.

The living differ from the dead not only in that they look at the sun and breathe air, but also in that they do something good. If they do not do this, they are no better than the dead.

St. Gregory the Theologian

Chapter 1

Upbringing, Education and School Service of St. Tikhon

The place and year of birth of St. Tikhon. – The circumstances of his home upbringing. – Admission to school and seminary. – Deficiencies in the means of subsistence, successes. – Appointment to the position of seminary teacher. – Love of contemplation and vision. – Entering monasticism. – Ordination to the rank of hieromonk and archimandrite. Appointment to the post of prefect, and then rector of the seminary. – Election and consecration to the episcopacy.