Collected Works, Volume 2

Christians! Let us put this word of God in our ears and fix it in our memory: None of those who are invited will taste of My supper. Here we see how angry the Lord is with those ungrateful people who have been called to eternal bliss, to the most glorious and sweet supper by His word, but, despising His great grace, have turned to the attainment of temporal honor, glory, riches, pleasure, and other treasures of this world. None of those invited will eat My supper.

We read in the Mosaic Book of Numbers that when the children of Israel, having come out of Egypt, murmured: "Who will feed us with meat?" We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt for nothing, cucumbers and melons, and onions, and onions, and garlic – the Lord heard their murmuring, and was angry with anger, and fire was kindled in them from the Lord (Num. 11:4, 5, 10, 3).

Christians! The murmuring Israelites signify those Christians who prefer temporal blessings to eternal and heavenly ones, since the Israelites prefer Egyptian meat and other food to heavenly manna, and therefore they raise up the wrath of God against themselves, and not temporary, but eternal fire, will burn against them. I say unto you, None of those who are invited shall partake of my supper. This word is terrible, Christians, but it is true. So it will be with those who despise the call of God.

Let us Christians be afraid, and having listened to the Lord Who calls us, let us set our minds on things above, and not on earthly things (Col. 3:2). When an earthly king calls, as you know, it is shameless and terrible not to go to his supper. Much less to go to the supper, which God, the King of Heaven, has prepared and constantly calls through His servants. Let us listen to His salvific voice and go with thanksgiving and haste to this sweet feast. The Supper is prepared, the Most Glorious, Eternal, and Sweet Supper. The servants of God, sent from God to us, call us: go, for everything is already ready. The doors are open, the King of Heaven, Loving to mankind and Most Good, calls everyone and waits. Those who have listened to His voice enter with thanksgiving and partake of that heavenly sweetness. Christians! Let us also join this holy retinue and follow them, and the King will lead us into His palace. Amen!

About the same

In this world, it happens that the glorious and rich invite to their supper for the most part the glorious and rich, like themselves. It is not so with the King of Heaven, the Loving God. In His love for mankind, He does not despise anyone, but He calls to His heavenly supper, regardless of persons, alike: rich and poor, glorious and lowly, in a word, every person, male and female, and opens the doors to everyone. However, for the most part, the poor, the poor, the poor and the lowly listen to His salvific call and go to His most glorious supper, while the rich and glorious for the most part refuse, because they do not want to abandon their pride, pomp and luxury. They want to rejoice and reign here in this world, and therefore they despise that great supper; they see the blessings of this world, but they do not see the eternal blessings.

It is written about the Israelites: "They despised the land they desired, they did not believe His word" (Psalm 105:24). Thus the rich and glorious, having joined in the blessings of this world, humiliate that great supper and do not believe in the Lord who calls them there. Wherefore it is written in the Apostle: See, brethren, who ye are that have been called: few of you are wise according to the flesh, not many strong, not many noble; but God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong; and God chose the lowly things of the world, and the despised things, and the things that were not, in order to abolish the things that mattered, so that no flesh should boast before God (1 Cor. 1:26-29). The poor and the poor, and the lean and despised of this world, are more willing to listen to the calling voice of the Lord, and they go to that supper, for they have few of the good things of this world. The love of honor, glory, wealth, sweets and luxury of this world blinds the eyes of the soul and does not allow us to see eternal blessings. And what a person does not see, he does not want.

Oh, if man saw the blessings of the future, he would strive for them no less than a deer to the springs of water! (Psalm 41:2). But for all lovers of this world, darkness, like a veil, lies on the eyes of the soul, and therefore they do not see those blessings. And he who turns to the Lord with a pure heart, then this veil is removed (2 Corinthians 3:16), and with the eye of faith he sees those blessings and diligently seeks them.

A Christian, rich and poor, glorious and poor! Let us turn from the world to the Lord, and our eyes will be opened, and let us hurry to that supper, let us believe the word of God, by which He calls us. We are called by God to great, heavenly, eternal and ineffable blessings, why do we set our heart to those who are nothing in themselves, and soon leave them? It is not in vain that the Apostle exhorts us: "Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world" (1 John 2:15) and so on. And again: If you have risen with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God; Set your mind on things above, and not on earthly things (Col. 3:1-2), for the love of this world stumbles our feet and does not allow us to go to that glorious supper.

Christian! Leave the goods of this world, and there we will receive all and incomparably better blessings, which eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and has not entered into the heart of man (1 Cor. 2:9). Be firmly convinced of these blessings, and without fail, I tell you the truth, despising the world, you will seek them with all diligence.

About the same

It happens in this world that when all those invited to the supper are assembled, then the host who called them leads them into the decorated chamber prepared for the supper, and so they all sit down in their seats. So it will be with those who are called to the heavenly supper and come to it. Then the King of Heaven, to those who have heard His call and come to Him to supper, will say: "Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matt. 25:34). And they shall go with triumph and gladness into His most glorious, heavenly, not made with hands, eternal and royal chamber, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 8:11). Then the prophetic word will be fulfilled: "And the Lord will bring them back, and they will come to Zion with joy; and everlasting joy is upon their heads; for praise and gladness and joy shall receive them over their heads; sickness, sorrow, and sighing will be removed (Isaiah 35:10).