Collected Works, Volume 2

At the noble supper of this world, every good thing is for the consolation and delight of those who sit and revel. It will be the same at the heavenly supper. There will be all good, but incomparably better than earthly things. There the holy people of God will be satiated with all the heavenly blessings that the Good and Loving Lord has prepared for them. They shall hunger no more, nor thirst, nor shall the sun burn them, nor any heat: for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and lead them to fountains of living waters; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes (Rev. 7:16-17). The servants of the Lord will eat, drink, rejoice, rejoice in gladness of heart (Isaiah 65:13-14). They shall be satisfied with the fat of Thy house, and with the stream of Thy sweetness Thou shalt give them to drink: for with Thee is the fountain of life, in Thy light we shall see the light (Psalm 35:9-10). Thus says the Lord: "Behold, I direct upon them the world as a river, and the glory of the nations as a flooding stream; their children will be taken in their arms, and they will be comforted on their knees. As a mother comforts someone, so will I comfort you, and you will be comforted in Jerusalem. And you will see this, and your heart will rejoice (Isaiah 66:12-14). Now we see, as it were, through a glass darkly, divinatively, and then face to face (1 Cor. 13:12). Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Cor. 2:9), and so on. For there will be such bliss:

1) Let us see God face to face, from which will come unspeakable consolation, gladness, joy and exclamation of the heart. Let us see the Face of God and shout for joy.

2) Let us see our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ in His Divine glory, let us see Him Who suffered so terribly for us and died a shameful death, and thus delivered us from death.

3) Let us then enjoy all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as the Life-Giving Source.

4) Let us have a gracious friendship with the holy Angels and all the saints who have pleased God since the creation of the world.

5) Let us triumph over all our enemies. Death! Where is your sting? Hell! Where is your victory? (1 Cor. 15:55). Thanks be to God, Who has given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Cor. 15:57).

Christian! The Merciful God still calls everyone. It is already enough to chase after the temporal and earthly, hasten quickly to this heavenly supper, where God is seen face to face, and from Him, as from the Fountain of life and ever, flows all consolation, and delight, and all-joyful exclamation. Make haste, make haste, while the doors are not yet shut, lest, when you come late, you find yourself outside standing and knocking on the doors in vain, saying: Lord! God! Open unto us (Luke 13:25).

About the same

Бывает на вечери мира сего, что хозяин пришедшим гостям говорит: «Вот вам блага, предложенные на трапезе моей! Ешьте, пейте и веселитесь!» Так и Человеколюбивый Гос­подь скажет послушавшим зова Его и пришед­шим на небесную Его вечерю: «Вот вам блага, которые приготовил Я вам, которые обещал вам, которые верой и надеждой ждали вы от Меня, которые око не видело и ухо не слышало, и на сердце человеку не приходило! Вот вам бла­га Мои, обещанные вам!

Обещал Я вам воскресение мертвых телес ваших – вот видите это! Вы воскресли из мер­твых.

Обещал Я вам тело духовное, нетленное и бессмертное – вот имеете это!

Обещал Я вам тело прославленное, чистое, светлое и сияющее – вот сияете, как солнце и как звезды небесные (1 Кор. 15:42–46)!

Обещал Я вам вечную жизнь – вот имеете жизнь вечную! Живите вовеки!