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For the first time they visited Elder Joseph together with Elder Nicephorus, who had a special respect for him. As Father Ephraim himself told us, he was touched by the question of Elder Joseph to his elder at their first meeting: it was not the novice's abilities for needlework and various work on the kaliva that interested him.

The elder asked:

– Father Nikifor, does Ephraim obey?

Father Ephraim, recalling this, told us:

Elder Joseph the Hesychast "That shocked me. I felt that life and grace dwelt in this Elder, because I had never heard such a question from anyone. Fortunately, Father Nikifor did not prevent me from visiting the Elder and learning from him the patristic tradition.

Now all of Fr Ephraim's questions, generated in part by his inexperience, found an answer and an explanation. This came true thanks to his acquaintance and communication with Elder Joseph. Very soon he comprehended the meaning of the spiritual law and how to properly conduct the invisible battle. This knowledge became his lifelong possession and reward for his zeal and piety.

Father Ephraim told us that he had thoughts of leaving Elder Nikifor, since he did not find spiritual guidance from him. Elder Joseph advised him not to leave, but to remain with humble thoughts, and he himself promised to help spiritually.

"He saw all of me in me," said Father Ephraim, "and he explained to me in detail everything that would happen to me for the rest of my life. Now, when I see how this comes true, I understand what a man of God means, what a saint means.

Once, after Liturgy, Father Joseph detained Father Ephraim and said to him:

– Я знаю твои помыслы и все твое состояние. Не бойся. Я не оставлю тебя одного.

Старец начал изъяснять ему суть делания и созерцания, особенно подробно он говорил о плодах умного делания, плодах обращения внутрь себя:

– Божественная благодать, уже обитающая в твоей душе, умножится так, как ведает сама, и станет для тебя всем во всём37. При неожиданных трудностях она будет принимать различные образы и помогать тебе. Она будет приносить тебе мир во время возмущений, она будет отверзать тебе ум к пониманию таинств Божественного Промысла, тех таинств, которые будут тебе встречаться.

Он определил и программу, которая должна была положить начало молитвенному деланию отца Ефрема:

– Ты начнешь творить молитву «Господи, Иисусе Христе, помилуй мя» на протяжении одного часа. Но скажи о том своему старцу, чтобы он не посчитал это твоей собственной волей.