Collected Works, Volume 3

If you endure an offense because you cannot take revenge, it is involuntary patience. Enduring offense voluntarily, obeying the commandment of Christ – this is a matter of true patience and salvation.

In the same way, according to the state of the heart, every deed is judged, whether it is evil or good. Each one is informed of this in his own conscience, as we see it in the Holy Scriptures. Cain and Abel offered sacrifice to God: but the Lord looked upon Abel and his offering, but did not look upon Cain and his gift (Gen. 4:4-5). The publican and the Pharisee prayed to God in the church; but the publican is justified, and the Pharisee is rejected (Luke 18:14). Zacchaeus rejoiced when he saw our Lord Jesus Christ (see Luke 19:3-9), and Herod also rejoiced (see Luke 23:8), but Herod was ruined, and Zacchaeus was turned to salvation.

Thus, according to the inner state of the heart, every deed is judged before God. And although it happens that outwardly a deed seems good, if it comes from an evil and unseemly intention, it is condemned before God as unseemly. Intention as the foundation on which the work is built. And as the intention is, so is the deed: if the intention is good, it is a good deed, if the intention is evil, and the deed is done. From this it follows that we should neither praise nor scold anyone recklessly. For no one but God alone can know the inner state of man and intention. Who among men knows what is in man, except the spirit of man that dwells in him? (1 Cor. 2:11). For it often happens that we foolishly praise him who is cursed before God and therefore is really abominable; we condemn him whom God justifies, and we justify without sense the one whom God condemns, and therefore we sin.

§ 36. Since every human deed, both internal and external, depends on the heart, and as the heart is, so is the deed, good or evil. And by nature we have a corrupt heart. Therefore, we must pray fervently and unceasingly, and ask God of the Knower of the Heart, Who makes all things out of nothing, and does good out of evil, to ask for a new heart and a right spirit, so that the thoughts and deeds that come from the heart may be right, and that they may be directed to God's glory alone. Following the example of the Psalmist, we should always sigh: "Build up a pure heart in me, O God, and renew the spirit of righteousness in my womb" (Psalm 50:12). And if the heart is pure, then the deeds will be right.

Chapter 2.

On Human Language

If any of you thinks that he is godly, and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his heart, he has empty godliness.

(James 1:26)

§ 37. Nothing sins a man so much as with the tongue, when it is not governed properly.

The tongue curses people who are created in the image of God.

The tongue curses the father and mother.

Language teaches murder.

The tongue advises and conspires about adultery, uncleanness, theft, theft, and all kinds of unrighteousness.