Collected Works, Volume 5

8) By reasoning about the goodness of God, we are strengthened in hope, when we are tempted by Satan and moved to despair. Diligent reflection on the goodness of God will not allow us to despair, for God, being good, desires the salvation of all and does not want the death of the sinner.

9) Whoever feels the goodness of God upon himself is good to his neighbors. From the blessings of God given to him, he gives to his brethren, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, and so on, for he knows that all good is God's. Receiving from God the remission of sins and knowing His mercy on oneself, he himself is merciful to sinners and forgives them their sins. Truly, if a person comes to consider how much mercy God vouchsafes him every day, then he will not be able to be unmerciful to his neighbor, especially in the forgiveness of sins.

Reason, then, and taste the goodness of God, but at the same time, let His omnipresence, omniscience, and righteousness turn before your spiritual eyes.

Save yourself.

Letter Forty-Eight

I also remind you of the goodness of God. Nothing shows His goodness to us so much as His long-suffering towards sinners.

How many idolaters are there in the world who give His glory to creatures! How many detractors who dishonor His terrible and holy name with foul tongue! How many robbers, murderers, robbers, rapists, adulterers, and other lawless ones, who fearlessly destroy His holy law in His holy eyes.. But the goodness of God suffers them long, does not punish them, does not repay them according to their works, but waits for their repentance, as the Apostle wrote: "The goodness of God leads you to repentance" (Romans 2:4). And again: He is long-suffering with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). And not only does he suffer long, but he does not cease to do good. He gives food, clothing, and other goods.

Marvel at the goodness of God, and knowing the goodness of God for yourself, be gentle and loving to your brethren. May the goodness of God move us not to know God's truth in ourselves. And if anyone abuses the goodness of God and does not correct himself, he will know the effect of God's truth on himself. The Lord is good, truly good, but also righteous.

Meditate on this, and, knowing the goodness of God in yourself, do not forget His righteousness.

Save yourself and pray for me, a sinner.

Letter Forty-Nine

You write that we see and know that nothing happens without God's Providence. Where do the troubles and misfortunes in the world come from?