Collected Works, Volume 5

Letter fiftieth

Now let us learn in the truth of God. God is true, and His word is truth. What God reveals is exactly as He reveals, and what He promises and predicts will certainly come to pass in due time. The words of God shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35).

We come to know the truth of God from the fact that His words are fulfilled. God foretold to the forefathers in Paradise that, having eaten of the commanded tree, they would die by death, and having eaten, they died. He announced that there would be a flood – and there was a flood. He said to the forefather Abraham that his descendants would come to Egypt, and they would be embittered there, and they would be delivered, and so it happened. He promised to give them the land of Canaan as an inheritance – and he did. He promised to send the Messiah into the world and thus save the world, and it came to pass that the Messiah came, and those who believe in Him are saved.

From past events we conclude about future ones. He declared in the Scriptures that there will be a resurrection of the dead, there will be the judgment of Christ, there will be eternal torment and eternal life – and it will certainly be so. So this is true, as it is true that yesterday and other past days were and are today. Therefore, we have His holy word, written in the Bible, as the foundation and foundation of our faith and all our piety, since His word is true, not false, and reliable, just like God Himself. He must be believed as if God Himself were speaking directly to us. The Lord's testimony is true. He should be believed more than the whole world. For all men can lie, but God's Word cannot lie.

From the knowledge of the truth of God follows the following:

1) Let us not doubt anything that God has not revealed, or promised, or predicted in the Holy Scriptures.

2) We are firmly convinced of the attributes of God, revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures.

3) We come to know His will, what it wants from us and what it wants for us, that is, it wants to save us and make us blessed, but it demands of us reverence, gratitude, and so on.

4) We are convinced of the prophecies of the future, that is, of the resurrection of the dead, of the judgment of Christ, of eternal torment and eternal life, since God has revealed all this to us in His Scriptures.

5) And so the knowledge of God's truth arouses in us faith, hope, fear, love for God and neighbor.

6) Loyalty to one's neighbor will follow, and lies, flattery, deceit, and hypocrisy will be destroyed. God truly and rightly deals with us, and we must do what is right with our neighbors.

Meditate on the truth of God, and read His holy word, and you will be confirmed in the truth. Believe that it is fitting for all that is written to come true. The Word of God is truth (John 17:17). The truth of God will teach you to believe all His commandments, to believe in His Gospel, to fear the judgment of God and the punishment that follows, to desire and diligently seek eternal life, to despise the world and all that is in the world, to repent fervently and pray, and to call on His name.

Save yourself.