2.20 20. The Lord also works out our salvation by contrary to us

2.21 21. Bearing the cross is salvific. Illnesses are not always for sins, but are also sent for temptation

2.22 22. As long as we are in the flesh, we cannot do without struggle. That which is not in your will, leave it to go by itself as it goes. Humility is the strongest weapon against the enemy

3 Letters to Foma Nikolaevich.

3.1 23. "Every man is worthy of his Lord" (Romans 14:4)

3.2 24. On the cell rule: for the rule, a blessing is taken from the spiritual father; Abandonment of the rule is made up for by repentance and humility. It is useful to commemorate one's neighbor. Our conscience clearly convicts impure deeds

3.3 25. The tempted will help those who are tempted. The passion of drunkenness is tolerated for pride, arrogance, or for a violation of conscience against marriage

3.4 26. Blessing for a good life in the monastery. The Lord visibly denounces our invisible sins

3.5 27. Whoever does not strive to cut off his will does not have perfect obedience. "If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit" (Matt. XV, 4)

3.6 28. Invisibly, through the revelation of thoughts, the mind and feelings are strengthened. If you follow the advice of the eldress, the Lord will grant knowledge of yourself and many things

3.7 29. Who cannot be commemorated in church? For a young man, his own will is suffocating and leads to disastrous consequences

3.8 30. With the Lord "many are called, few are chosen" (Matt. XX, 16). We must endure temptations, not being faint-hearted against them, but humbly beseeching the Lord to accomplish the beginning of our salvation. Failure to fulfill the rule of weakness and laziness is compensated for by repentance

3.9 31. Unworthy actions are atoned for by regret and repentance. The dignity or unworthiness of a priest cannot be an obstacle to the celebration of the sacraments. Temptation requires patience, recognition of one's sins, and self-reproach. Consider the death of an infant as a punishment for sins.

3.10 32. Through blessing, moderate actions, severity and humility, the obedience of the household is achieved.