3.18 40. On the state of the elder's health

3.19 41. Boredom is from the enemy. It is necessary not to submit to the dominant passion, but to show resistance. You should not lead your daughter away from serving God

3.20 42. Temptations Sent From God Are Useful

3.21 43. Through Christian virtues, true well-being in heaven is attained

3.22 44. The wealth of the bridegroom does not consist in the possessions of many, but in a good conscience

3.23 45. About the danger and harm of turning to fortune-tellers

3.24 46. One must humbly admit one's sins before God and ask for forgiveness

3.25 47. Inner thoughts want to lull the conscience to sleep and do what is not pleasing to God. Condemn yourself before God. In all perplexity, ask for help from the Lord

3.26 48. What sacrifice is pleasing to God?

3.27 49. On the Harm of Dream Interpretation

3.28 50. Words of reconciliation should be pronounced not in the spirit of zeal and pride, but in the spirit of humility and meekness

3.29 51. Must tolerate from parents

3.30 52. The holy sacrament of marriage is performed by the will of the All-Merciful God

3.31 53. Trials happen by God's allowance for the knowledge of human infirmities. The memory of death will teach you to pay attention to yourself. An oath to God, made without reasoning, is not pleasing to God. When we surrender ourselves with humility, patience and self-reproach to the will of the Almighty Lord, the Lord will deliver us from all sorrows

3.32 54. On the Monastic Trials

3.33 55. Despair proves obvious pride. The enemy's deceit can be expelled from the heart by prayer to God

3.34 56. "No man shall come to me, except the Father draw unto me" (John VI, 44)

3.35 57. Advice on debt repayment

3.36 58. Train yourself to patience, humility and self-reproach

3.37 59. Vanity is cured by guarding one's conscience and not concealing one's thoughts

3.38 60. "Seven times the righteous will fall, and he will rise..." (Prov., XXIV, 16). One should pray in hours of despondency. Enjoy earthly goods in moderation and take care of eternal salvation