With them, the bishops, the hierarchs, the monks, and the luminaries of the Church – all confirmed and guarded the teaching that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, and not from the Son.

Basil the Great: The Father begets, the Son is born of the Father, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father – this is the only difference within the Holy Trinity.

Gregory the Theologian: The Holy Spirit is truly the Spirit; He proceeds from the Father, but not as the Son, for He is not begotten, but proceeds.

St. John Chrysostom: Be of good cheer, the preaching will not remain without testimony, but the Spirit proceeding from the Father will obey the truth with signs and wonders. For Christ said, "I do not bring forth from my bosom, but from the Father it is given by me." When He says: "I will send" (John 15:26), He reveals His equality with the Father.

Gregory of Nyssa: The Father begets the Son, and is the Father. And the Son that is born, the Word, is the Son. In the same way, the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father, is the Holy Spirit, by Whom all things are sanctified.

St. Gregory the Dialogist, who shone forth after the Sixth Council, says that the Spirit-Comforter proceeds from the Father and dwells upon the Son.

John of Damascus: The Father is the source and cause of the Son and the Spirit, but the Son is not the cause of the Spirit, but the Father alone is the cause of the Son and the Spirit.

Dionysius the Areopagite: the source of the Divinity is the Father, and the Son and the Spirit are from the God-seeded Divinity and the God-planted branch, as the everlasting flowers are from the one Father. But it is impossible to say or see how this happens (In the manuscript of the Solovetsky Library No 331: "ni znaya.")

Epiphanius of Cyprus: We say "God the Father", "God the Son", "God the Holy Spirit", and not "Gods", for in the three names there is one Godhead. The Only-begotten Son proceeds from the Father, but the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, is ever with the Father and with the Son, for He proceeds from God the Father, and receives the Son's things, manifesting them in the world, and searches the depths of God, because the Son ascended to the Father, and the Father sent the Spirit in the Name of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, continuing the works of the Son, strengthened them and preached them clearly in the world.

St. Gregory the Wonderworker: There is one God, the Father of the living Word, one Lord God of God, one of one, one of one, one Holy Spirit, proceeding from God and manifested to mankind by the Son.

Damasus, Pope of Rome: Cursed be he who does not confess that the Holy Spirit truly proceeds from the Father, just as the Son proceeds from the Divine Being, and from God, God the Word.

Falassius Africanus: We all know that the Father is the one principle, the parent and source of the Son and the Spirit, co-existent, co-immeasurable and indefinable.

St. Cyril of Alexandria: In no way do we want anyone to damage the established faith, that is: "I believe in One God," the confession compiled by the Holy Fathers; for it was not they who said this, but the Spirit of God the Father, Who proceeds from Him and is not alienated from the Son, which is what the confession essentially says.

Caesarius, brother of Gregory the Theologian: the first true Light is the Father, and the Son is also Light, as He Himself said: "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). The Spirit of God is also light, having the source of the Father, from Whom it proceeds.