Words, conversations, speeches

To gather together all the memories, to follow all the feelings that are aroused in the souls of the sons of the Fatherland today, would mean, on the one hand, to encroach on the immensity, and on the other, to go beyond the boundaries of Christian conversation. But there are memories and feelings that cannot but be aroused in the heart of every true son of the Church and Fatherland, and the absence of which in any would be a sign of inexcusable indifference. The exposition of such thoughts and feelings can serve as a substitute for instruction that is edifying for all. Let's devote a few minutes to this.

The first feeling on this day, according to the instructions of the Church herself, should be a feeling of humility, reverence and gratitude before the inscrutable Providence of God, which disposes of the fate of kingdoms and peoples. A Christian loves to turn his gaze to heaven in all events in life; all the more can his eyes and heart turn to heaven at the remembrance of such a great event as the accession to the throne of an autocrat. In fact, the lot of the rule of the most extensive kingdom in the world proceeded (now) from the right hand of the King of kings and was entrusted to the hand of the God-chosen ruler of the people - what a sacred moment! - Whose eye, except God's, was then watching over the fate of the king and the kingdom? Who, besides the Omniscient, knew a number of great events that were to take place later? If ever, then at this decisive time people only assumed, but God Himself disposed. It was the hour of God's most special Providence for our Fatherland. Where, therefore, should thoughts turn first of all when remembering this great event, if not to the place where it first began and was predestined, to the Throne of the Almighty? From there, from this holy height, the Christian expects on such occasions to hear what the Lord says about the fate of his homeland (Psalm 84:9), speaking in the great events of the world.

What was said about us on this occasion, what lesson was taught to us by Providence? - A lesson, as we said, of humility and gratitude.

Providence in general loves to admonish mortals about their shortcomings by contrasting His fates with their considerations and hopes. But it seems that this opposition has never been so palpably revealed as in the regal change that we remember. Who could have expected it so soon and so suddenly? What entreaties did not invoke long life on the head of the beloved crown-bearer? (Alexander I). This head, apparently crowned with earthly glory and the blessings of Heaven, combining in herself the hopes not only of the Fatherland, but also of the entire enlightened world, did not apparently vouch for her own strength? But the Supreme judged otherwise! When no one on earth thought about it, a great change had already been brought about in Heaven: it was determined that our hopes should suddenly be transferred to another head, that the fulfillment of great plans should be entrusted to the right hand of another..

Should not such a great suddenness of the heavenly determinations about our Fatherland, their striking contrast to our hopes and considerations, lead us to the thought that this terrible betrayal of the right hand of the Most High was the result of the discrepancy between our ways and the destinies of God? That the King of Heaven, by a striking change in our earthly rulers, wanted to impress upon all of us a lesson of humility and repentance? - The Church, as the mystery of God's destinies, heard the instructive voice of God most clearly in this case; and this is why she confesses so loudly before God in the presence of all on this day: "Those who have sinned, O Lord, and the wicked, and Thy utter abhorrence, are worthy of Thy utter abhorrence; For this reason Thou hast punished us with a brief visit to our sorrows" (the words of the prayer read during the moleben).

Thanks be to Providence that our sorrow was so brief and the wrath of heaven was dissolved by such mercy that the feeling of repentance, aroused by the memory of great deprivation, involuntarily degenerates into a feeling of gratitude at the thought of a new acquisition, which then followed.

In fact, it is no small mercy of God: having lost a good and wise king, to soon receive another, equally worthy! The prophet, on behalf of God, once threatened the people of Israel that they would remain for a long time without kings and rulers (Hos. 3:4). And our Fatherland has more than once realized, by the saddest experience, what it means for a long reign to be without a head. We (this time - ed.) did not know this misadventure! The new angel of the kingdom was already on guard when the old one departed to the place of eternal rest. There were several days of perplexity, but how majestic are these days! Hitherto we have known only prophets who denied and said to the Lord: "Choose another who is mighty, and make haste to him" (Exodus 4:13). Here they saw the legitimate heirs of the kingdom, passing on one another a crown - the first in the world! *

What would other peoples not give in order to see this unparalleled prue (dispute - ed.) of royal self-sacrifice? Oh, that crown will not fade, on which the ray of this truly holy glory has been reflected at least once!

And what is not justified in the good omen hitherto? How many dangers and difficulties, gloriously defeated! How many great designs, wisely brought or put into action! "Scarcely had one seven years passed in the new reign, and we were already witnessing the demise of a large part of the political world from the power of Russia. More than once the sun of Persia was darkened; more than once the moon of Turkey was damaged and ready to disappear: only the magnanimity of the victors left them in the firmament, so that by their transformations they indicate to the whole world the time of our glory. If many of the most immovable stars of the political world, having been moved in their foundations, are still retained in their rank, or are [restrained] from greater disorder, then is it not the beneficent gravitation of the northern autocracy?

Радуясь таким образом о грозной славе прошедшего, утешаясь тихим величием настоящего и с дерзновением взирая на будущее, кто из сынов Отечества не исповедует ныне благодарно с Церковью, что Промысл Божий, "наказав нас кратким бывшия печали посещением, обильно потом исполнил сердца наши веселием, оправдав царствовати над нами возлюбленного раба своего, благочестивейшего государя нашего НИКОЛАЯ ПАВЛОВИЧА" (слова молитвы из молебствия)? Чувство благоговения и благодарного смирения пред неисповедимыми судьбами Царя Небесного есть необходимое чувство в настоящий день для каждого из нас.

А вместе с тем, неразлучно и другое подобное чувство - благоговения, любви и верности царю земному. Ибо можно ли, благоговея пред Царем Небесным, поставляющим и преставляющим царей земных, не благоговеть и пред тем, кто Его же Промыслом возведен на престол и поставлен князем людей своих? Тем паче, когда возведенный всеми деяниями своими доказывает, что он точно возведен милостью Божией, а не гневом небесным? - В таком случае всякое воспоминание о царе само собою обращается в благословение ему и в молитву за него, - тем паче воспоминание в день настоящий.

Ибо что значит день восшествия на престол самодержца? Это день восшествия его под непосредственное осенение силы Божией; с этого дня монарх наш стал для нас видимым представителем невидимого общего Отца и Владыки человеков, постоянным земным наместником Промысла небесного. Можно ли провести таковой день без особенного благоговения к архистратигу силы Божией?

Что значит день восшествия на престол самодержца? Это день низшествия его в среду нужд и желаний народных; с сего дня порфира начала прикрывать великих и малых, его скипетр начал указывать путь всем и везде, его престол соделался средоточием жизни и движения общественного, а его венец - преемником благословений небесных. Можно ли провести таковой день без особенных выражений любви к ангелу-хранителю царства?

Что есть день восшествия на престол самодержца? Это день изшествия его на особенные труды и подвиги; с сего дня монарх наш начал быть первым подвижником на поле общественной деятельности, взял на рамена свои судьбу целого царства, стал на страже безопасности и благоденствия народного, устремился к великой цели народоправления. Можно ли провести таковой день без пламенных молитв за венценосного подвижника? - Святая Церковь и в этом отношении предшествует примером своим всем чадам своим, возглашая в слух всех теплые моления о том, чтобы Господь, оправдав царствовать над нами возлюбленного раба Своего, умудрил "его непоползновенно проходите великое сие служение, даровал ему разум и премудрость, во еже судите людем в правде, показал его врагом победительна, злодеем страшна, добрым милостива и благонадежна, согрел сердце его к призрению нищим, к приятию странным, к заступлению напаствуемым, чтобы самые подчиненные ему правительства управил на путь истины и правды, и сохранил от лицеприятия и мздоимства" (слова молитвы из молебствия). Не участвовать в сих благожеланиях и молитвах всем сердцем может разве один тот, у кого нет сердца.