By the Holy Spirit we have come to know the love of the Lord. The love of the Lord is ardent. The holy Apostles, filled with love, flowed around the entire world, and their spirit longed that all people would know the Lord.

The Prophets, the beloved of God, delighted in the Holy Spirit, and therefore their word was powerful and pleasant, for every soul wants to hear the word of the Lord.

Oh, a miracle. And the Lord did not despise me so many sinners, but gave me by the Holy Spirit to know Him.

Give me, O Lord, a humble spirit, so that I may always thank Thee that Thou hast given the Holy Spirit to earth. And I remember Him. He Himself helps me to remember Him.

O Holy Soul! O great Tsar. What shall I, a sinful earth, repay Thee? You have revealed to me an incomprehensible secret. Thou hast made me know the Lord my Creator. Thou hast made me know how immensely He loves us.

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The Lord loves us so much that it is impossible to explain it, and only by the Holy Spirit can this love be known, and the soul inexplicably feels this love. The Lord is by nature good and merciful, meek and gracious, and it is impossible to describe His kindness, but the soul feels this love without words, and always wants to be in such a quiet state.

He said, "I will not leave you orphans"; and we see that He really did not forsake, but gave us the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit invisibly gives knowledge to the soul. In the Holy Spirit, the soul finds peace. The Holy Spirit rejoices the soul and gives it joy on earth. What joy and gladness will there be in heaven? We have been taught by the Holy Spirit to know the love of God, but there it will be perfect. Oh, I am a weak man. I have only come to know the love of God perfectly, but I cannot acquire it, and my soul weeps every day, and I keep thinking: "I have not yet received what my soul seeks."

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When the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, they learned by experience what God's love and love for man are.

"A sick child, until Christ is imagined in you," says the Apostle (Gal. 4:19).

Oh, how glad I would be if all the nations knew the Lord.

Lord, Thou Thyself let them know Thee by the Holy Spirit, as Thou didst give the Apostles the Holy Spirit, and they knew Thee, so let all men know Thee by the Holy Spirit.