She did not consign to the Scriptures the sorrow of Her soul, and we know little of Her life on earth, but we must think that we cannot understand the fullness of Her love for Her Son and God.

The heart of the Mother of God, all Her thoughts, Her whole soul were occupied with the Lord; but She was given something else: She loved the people and fervently prayed for people, for the new Christians, that the Lord would strengthen them, and for the whole world, that all would be saved. In this prayer was Her joy and consolation on earth.

We do not fully comprehend the love of the Mother of God, but we know that:

The greater the love, the greater the suffering of the soul;

The fuller the love, the fuller the knowledge;

The more ardent the love, the more fervent the prayer;

The more perfect the love, the holier the life.

None of us attains the fullness of the love of the Mother of God, and we need Adam's repentance, but in part, as the Holy Spirit teaches us in the Church, we understand this love.

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"Did not our heart burn within us" (Luke 24:32), said the Apostles, when Christ drew near to them. Thus the soul recognizes its Lord, and loves Him, and the sweetness of His love is fervent.

In heaven all have the same love, but on earth some love the Lord much, others little, and some do not love Him at all.

The soul, filled with God's love, forgets both heaven and earth; the spirit burns and invisibly sees the Desired One, and the soul sheds many sweet tears and cannot forget the Lord for a single second, for the grace of God gives strength to love the Beloved.

Oh, in what glory is the Lord, and with what songs He magnifies in heaven, and how sweet are these songs, which are poured out of the love of God.

Who is worthy to hear these songs, which are sung by the Holy Spirit, and in which the Lord is magnified for His sufferings, and what joy will there be from hearing this song?