Diary, Vol. III. 1860-1861. Contemplative Theology. Grains from the Lord's table.

The Lord watches over our every thought.

What does it mean to deny oneself (Matt. 16:24)? It means to renounce one's old, passionate man (cf. Eph. 4:22; Col. 3:9), selfish, inclined to hatred, envy, pride, covetousness, love of money, avarice, irritability, gluttony, drunkenness, theft, adultery, the old man in whom he lives, has his throne, and whom Satan acts and governs [11]. "I, or my old man, completely damaged by sin, completely infected with the breath of the devil, with his will, is good for nothing, except for eternal fire. That is why unrepentant sinners are called stubble, which will be burned with unquenchable fire (cf. Matt. 3:12; Lk. 2:17). "This old man must be completely rejected.

What is required of those who hope for future blessedness? "Truth requires us to trust in virtue.

But it is not enough to deny oneself: one must receive in Jesus Christ a new man, created according to God (in the image of God – Gen. 1:27) and in the righteousness and reverence of truth (Ephesians 4:24).

Write letters to: Fr. Alexander Zuev [12] and Taratin [13].

Money is dust.

Leave to write the book [14].

You, as a priest, who often unites in the Holy Mysteries with the Source of life (cf. Psalm 35:10), do not feel in your heart anguish and terrifying emptiness: but what about the laity, and what about the people who live according to the spirit of this furnace? About! They feel a killing boredom and emptiness in their souls, and they seek entertainment, amusement, and drunkenness. Of course, it is their own fault that they feel boredom and emptiness, because they do not read the Holy Scriptures and soul-saving books, they do not cling to God through prayer and contemplation of God. Therefore, one can be lenient to them, seeing their entertainment. At least they do not lose heart, do not get angry, do not lay hands on themselves. For there is also such a soul-killing emptiness in unbelievers that they themselves end their lives, unable to resist the murderous feeling of boredom. Mortal boredom.

<… > [15] Patientia [16].

Христос — моя жизнь, а без Него — все — скорбь и крушение духа. Да буду же я каждую минуту со Христом.

Под моим сердцем — рука Божия.

Надежда в нашей жизни прощения грехов от Господа, сколько бы раз не согрешили (покаяние и молитва: покаяние в Таинстве Причащения), Кровь Его очищает (Ср.: 1 Ин. 1, 7) 70 раз седмерицею (Мф. 18, 22); надежда во всех делах на помощь Господа, особенно в деле спасения души; надежда на Него в смерти и по смерти; чаяние воскресения мертвых, второго пришествия; (ждать Сына Его с небес — 1 Фес. 1, 16); воздаяния и Страшного Суда (будущего блаженства, уготованного праведникам) коемуждо по делом его (Откр. 22, 12) — бесконечных степеней блаженства вечного: ина слава солнцу… (1 Кор. 15, 41) в дому Отца Моего обители многи суть (Ин. 14, 2).

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