V. Adamenko Service Book

Stanzas on "Lord, I have cried", ch. 6: 1. When You, the Just Judge, come to execute righteous judgment, sitting on the throne of Your glory, and when the terrible river of fire draws all to Your judgment seat, the heavenly powers will stand before you, and people will be judged in fear for all that each has done, then have mercy on us, O Christ, and vouchsafe the fate of the righteous, as the Merciful, with faith we beseech You." 2 — "I weep and weep, remembering the eternal fire, utter darkness, hell, the fierce worm, and also the constant: gnashing of teeth, and sufferings awaiting those who have sinned beyond measure, and Thee, the Most Merciful, who have angered with an evil life, of whom the first and only sinner is I, the accursed. But, Judge, as the All-Bountiful, save me by Thy mercy."

Stanza on the Litiya, ch. 7: "Having come to know the commandments of the Lord, let us live thus: we will feed the hungry, we will give water to the thirsty, we will clothe the naked, we will bring the strangers into the house, we will visit the sick and those in prison, so that He who is to judge the whole earth may say to us: "Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."

Stanza on the verse, ch. 8: "Woe is me, gloomy soul! How long will you not leave evil? How long will you live carelessly? Why don't you think about the terrible hour of death? Why do you not tremble at the dreadful judgment of the Saviour? What will you answer or will you refuse ^him? Your deeds convict you; Your actions are not in your favor. However, soul, the time has come; Make haste, go, and cry out in faith: I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against Thee. But I know, O Lover of mankind, Thy mercy. Good Shepherd, do not deprive me of standing on Thy right hand by Thy great mercy."

Troparion Sedalen, ch. 6: "I think of the terrible day and weep over my sinful deeds: how shall I justify myself before the immortal King, how shall I, the prodigal, dare to raise my eyes to the Judge? Merciful Father, Only-begotten Son, Holy Spirit, have mercy on me." Kontakion, ch. 1: "When You, O God, come to earth with glory, the whole world will tremble: behold, a fiery river flows before Your judgment throne, books are revealed, and mysteries are revealed. Then deliver me from the unquenchable fire and vouchsafe me to stand on Thy right hand, O Most Righteous Judge."

Stanza on Praise, ch. 1: "Brethren, let us first purify ourselves with the queen of virtues, for behold, she has come, giving us a wealth of blessings; it tames the outbursts of passions and reconciles those who have sinned with the Lord. Therefore, let us receive it with joy, calling out to Christ God: "Risen from the dead, keep us uncondemned, who glorify Thee, the Only Sinless One."

In the week of "cheese-fare week".

Stanza on "Lord, I have cried". Chapter 6: "The Creator, my Lord, having taken a portion of the earth and breathed into it the soul with a life-giving breath, made me alive and on earth honored me over all visible things and cohabitation with the Angels. And the flattering Satan, using the serpent as an instrument, deceived me with a meal, and deprived me of God's glory, and gave me over to the pit of death, bringing me back to the earth. But You, as the Merciful Lord, restore me again."

Troparion Sedalen, ch. 4: "Adam was expelled from the bliss of paradise because of pernicious food, for in intemperance he did not keep the commandment of the Lord and was condemned to cultivate the land from which he himself was taken, and to eat his bread in abundant sweat. Therefore, let us strive for abstinence, so that we do not weep like Adam before the doors of paradise, but enter it." Kontakion. ch. 6: "Teacher of wisdom, Giver of understanding, Teacher of the foolish, and Defender of the poor, strengthen and enlighten, O Lord, my heart. Give me understanding, O Father's Word, and behold, I will not restrain my mouth to cry out to Thee: Merciful, have mercy on me, who have fallen."

At Vespers on Sunday before Monday of the 1st of Great Lent.

Stanzas on "Lord, I have cried" ch. 2: 1. Entering upon the Divine path of blameless fasting, let us try to tame the flesh more abstinently; with prayers and tears let us seek the Lord, Who saves us, let us completely forget about evil, crying out: "Sinning against Thee, Christ the King; Save us. as the Ninevites once did, and make us, O Merciful One, partakers of the heavenly kingdom." 2. "I despair, O Lord, of myself, when I reflect on my deeds, which are worthy of every punishment, for behold, having neglected Thy much-honoured commandments, O Saviour, I have spent my life depravedly. Therefore I beseech you: having cleansed me with the rain of repentance, make me white, as the Only Merciful One, with fasting and prayer, and do not despise me, O Merciful Benefactor of the whole world." 3. "Let us joyfully begin the time of fasting, directing ourselves to spiritual feats; let us purify our souls, purify our flesh, let us abstain from both food and every passion, enjoying the virtues of the spirit, so that with zeal we may succeed in them, we may all become worthy to see the all-revered sufferings of Christ God and spiritually rejoice in Holy Pascha."

The Great Prokeimenon, ch. 8: "Hide not Thy face from Thy servant, for I am grieved; hear me quickly, hearken unto my soul, and deliver it." Verses: 1. "Thy help, O God, raise me up." 2. "Those who suffer will see this and rejoice." 3. "Your heart shall live, you who seek God" (Psalm 68:18:30-33).

On Monday of the 1st week of Great Lent.

At Matins – Sedalen, ch. 2:(after the 2nd kathisma). "On the first holy day of Lent, let us be filled with tenderness, exclaiming from the bottom of our hearts: 'O Lord Christ, accept our prayer as the best incense, and deliver us from evil destruction and terrible torment, we pray, for Thou art the One, the Easily Propitiated.'

Sticheron on verse, ch. 5. "Fasting has come, the mother of chastity, the denouncer of sin, the helper of repentance, the way of life of the Angels, and the salvation of men. Let us exclaim, believers: "God, save us."