V. Adamenko Service Book

Biblical songs, divided into verses, were sung daily in the first centuries of Christianity. According to the church rule, they should be sung now instead of refrains before the troparia of the morning canon, with the exception of Matins of Passion and Paschal Week. On the Forty Days, they should be sung in full, and on the rest of the days, according to the number of troparia, but not more than 12 verses, (see Typikon, Chapter 8, Irmologius Explanatory Typikon by M. Skaballanovich, II, pp. 256-265 - Kiev, 1913).

Ode 1: "I sing to the Lord, for He is exalted highly; He threw his horse and rider into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my glory. He was my salvation. He is my God, and I will glorify Him; The God of my Father, and I will exalt him. The LORD is a man of war, Yahweh is his name Pharaoh's chariots, and he has cast his army into the sea, and his chosen captains have been drowned in the Red Sea. The depths covered them; they went into the depths like a stone. Thy right hand, O Lord, is glorified in power; Thy right hand, O Lord, hath slain the enemy with the majesty of Thy glory; Thou hast cast down those who have rebelled against Thee. Thou hast sent Thy wrath, and it has burned them up like stubble. On 14: (with Glory and now). "At Thy breath the waters parted, the moisture became like a wall, the depths in the heart of the sea were stiffened." On 13 "The enemy said: "I will chase, I will overtake, I will divide the booty; My soul shall be satisfied with them, I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them." On 12: "Thou hast breathed with Thy Spirit, and the sea has covered them; they sank like lead in the great waters." On 11: "Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who, like Thee, is majestic in holiness, worthy of praise, O Worker of miracles." On 10: "Thou hast stretched forth Thy right hand, the earth hath swallowed them up." On 9: "Thou leadest by Thy mercy this people whom Thou hast chosen, Thou leadest by Thy power into the tabernacle of Thy holiness." On 8: "The nations have heard, and tremble; terror seized the inhabitants of the Philistines." On 7 "Then the princes of Edom were troubled, trembling came upon the leaders of Moab, and all the inhabitants of Canaan were discouraged." At 6:, let fear and terror come upon them, and let them be dumb like a stone because of the greatness of Thy arm. How long shall Thy people pass by, O Lord, how long shall this people which Thou hast gained pass by." On 5. "Bring him in and plant him on the mountain of Thy inheritance, in the place which Thou hast made Thy dwelling place, O Lord, in the sanctuary which Thy hands have made, O Lord." On 4: "The Lord will reign forever and ever." On 3. "When Pharaoh's horses went into the sea with his chariots and his riders, the Lord turned the waters of the sea upon them, and the children of Israel passed on dry land in the midst of the sea" (Exodus 15:1-19). Glory even now.

Ode 2 (sung only on Tuesdays of Great Lent). "Hearken, O heaven: I will speak; And hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. My teaching will pour down like rain, my speech like dew, like a fine rain on the greenery, like a downpour on the grass. I will glorify the name of the Lord, give glory to our God. He is a stronghold: His works are perfect, and all His ways are righteous. God is faithful and there is no unrighteousness in Him: He is righteous and true. But they were depraved before Him; they are not His children, but of their own vices, a stubborn and perverse generation. Is this what you repay the Lord, you foolish and foolish people? Is it not your Father who has adopted you, created you, and made you? Remember the days of old, think of the years of former generations; Ask your father, and he will tell you, your elders, and they will tell you. When the Most High gave inheritance to the nations and scattered the children of men, then He set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the children of Israel. For His people are a part of the Lord; Jacob is His inheritance. He found him in the wilderness, in the steppe sad and wild; He guarded it, watched over it, kept it as the apple of His eye. As an eagle calls out its nest, and soars over its young, and spreads out its wings, and takes them, and wears them on its feathers: so the Lord alone led it, and there was no strange god with it. He lifted him up to the height of the earth, and fed him with the produce of the fields, and fed him with honey from the stone, and oil from the solid rock, and the oil of the cows, and the milk of the sheep, and the fat of the lambs and rams of Bashan, and of the goats, and of the fat wheat, and thou didst drink wine, the blood of the grapes. And Jacob ate, and Israel fattened, and became obstinate; fattened and obese; and he forsook the God who created him, and despised the stronghold of his salvation. With foreign gods they provoked Him, and with their abominations they angered Him. They offered sacrifices to demons, and not to God; gods they did not know; new ones, which came from neighbors, and of which our fathers did not think. And you have forgotten the Intercessor who gave birth to you, and did not remember the God who created you. The Lord saw and was indignant, and in indignation despised His sons and His daughters. And he said, I will hide my face from them, and I will see what their end will be, for they are a perverse generation, children in whom there is no faithfulness. They have not provoked Me to anger with God, but have grieved Me with their vain things: and I will not provoke them to anger with a people, but with a people of no sense I will grieve them: for the fire is kindled in My wrath, and burneth up the pit of hell, and devours the earth and its produce, and burneth the foundations of the mountains. I will gather out of them calamities, and I will exhaust my arrows upon them. They will be exhausted by hunger, destroyed by fever and fierce infection; and I will send upon them the teeth of beasts, and the venom of those that creep upon the earth. The sword will destroy them from without, and terror in the houses, both the young man and the maiden, and the suckling child, and the old man covered with gray hair. I would say: "I will scatter them and blot out the memory of them from among men"; but he postponed it for the sake of the anger of his enemies, so that his enemies would not think and say: Our hand is high, and the Lord did not do all this. For they are a people who have lost their minds, and there is no sense in them. Oh, if only they had judged, thought about it, understood what would happen to them! How could one pursue a thousand and two drive away the darkness, if their Protector had not betrayed them, and the Lord had not given them away! For their intercessor is not like our intercessor; Our enemies themselves are judges. For their grapes are of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah; their berries are poisonous, their clusters are bitter; their wine is the poison of dragons and the deadly poison of asps. Is it not hidden in Me? is it not sealed in my storehouses? I have vengeance and recompense, when their foot is shaken; for the day of their destruction is near, and the things prepared for them will soon come. But the Lord will judge His people, and will have compassion on His servants, when He sees that their hand is weak, and there are no prisoners or those who are left out. Then the Lord shall say, Where are their gods, the stronghold in which they trusted, who have eaten the fat of their sacrifices, and drunk the wine of their drink-offerings? Let them rise up and help you, let them be a cover for you. You see now, you see that it is I, I, and there is no God besides Me. I kill and revive, I smite and I heal; and no man shall deliver out of my hand. I will lift up my hand to heaven, and swear by my right hand, and say, I live forever. When I have sharpened my shining sword, and my hand has received judgment, I will take vengeance on my enemies, and I will repay them that hate me. I will make My arrows drunk with blood, and My sword shall be filled with flesh, with the blood of the slain and captives, with the heads of the leaders of the enemy. Rejoice, O heavens, with Him, and worship Him, all you angels of God. Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with His people, and let all the sons of God be strengthened: for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will avenge His enemies who hate Him, and the Lord will recompense and cleanse His land and His people" (Deuteronomy 32:1-43).

Clause 3: "My heart rejoices in the Lord, my horn is lifted up in my God; My mouth is wide open against my enemies, for I rejoice in Thy salvation. There is none so holy as the Lord, for there is none else besides Thee, and there is no stronghold like our God. Do not multiply the words of the haughty; let not bold words proceed out of your mouth, for the Lord is the God of knowledge, and the deeds of Bliss are weighed. On 14: "The bow of the mighty is broken, but the weak are girded with strength." On 13: "The well-fed work from bread, and the hungry rest." On the 12th: "Even a barren woman gives birth seven times, but a woman with many children faints." On 11: "The Lord kills and quickens, brings down to hell and raises up." On 10: "The Lord makes poor and enriches, humbles and exalts." On 9: "From the dust He lifts up the poor, from the earth He exalts the poor, planting with the nobles, and gives them the throne of glory as an inheritance; for the Lord has the foundation of the earth, and He has established the world upon them." On 8: "He watches over the feet of His saints, but the wicked perish in darkness, for a man is not strong in strength." On 7: "The Lord will wipe out those who contend with Him, He will thunder against them from heaven, the Lord is holy." On 6: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the strong boast of his strength, and let not the rich boast of his riches." On 5: "But he who wants to boast, let him boast in that he understands and knows the Lord." On 4: "The Lord will judge the ends of the earth." On 3: "And he shall give strength to His King, and lift up the horn of His Anointed One" (1 Samuel 2:1-10). Glory even now.

Paragraph 4: "Lord, I heard Thy ear and was afraid. O Lord, accomplish Thy work in the midst of years, in the midst of years shew it; in anger remember mercy. God is coming from Teman, and the Holy One is coming from Mount Paran. His majesty covered the heavens, and the earth was filled with His glory. Its brilliance is like sunlight; from His hand are the rays, and here is the hiding place of His power. A plague goes before His face, and a burning wind is in His footsteps. He stood and shook the earth; He looked up, and trembled the nations; the age-old mountains have disintegrated, the primeval hills have fallen; His ways are eternal. I saw the tents of Ethiopia sad; the tents of the land of Midian shook. Is Thy wrath kindled against the rivers, O Lord? Is it Thy indignation against the rivers, or Thy wrath against the sea, that Thou hast mounted Thy horses, Thy chariots of salvation? Thou hast drawn thy bow according to the oath that thou hast made to the tribes. Thou hast cut the earth in torrents. Seeing Thee, the mountains trembled, the waters rushed; the abyss gave its voice, lifted up its hands high; the sun and the moon stood still in their place before the light of Thy flying arrows, before the radiance of Thy glittering spears. In anger Thou walkest upon the earth, and in indignation Thou trampled down the nations. Thou hast come forth for the salvation of Thy people, for the salvation of Thy anointed." On 14: "You break the head of the wicked house, exposing it from the base to the top." On 13 "Thou hast pierced his head with spears, his leader, when they rushed like a whirlwind to smash Me, in joy, as if they thought to secretly devour the poor." On 12: Thou hast made a way through the sea through the depths of great waters with Thy horses." On 11: "I heard, and my inward part trembled; at the news of this my lips trembled." On 10: "Pain has penetrated into my bones, and the place beneath me is shaking." On 9: "But I must be calm in the day of calamity, when my robber comes against my people." On 8: "At least the fig tree did not blossom and there was no fruit on the vines." On 7: "And the olive tree changed, and the field did not give food." At 6:"Though there would be no sheep in the fold and no cattle in the stalls." On 5: "But even then will I rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice in the God of my salvation." On 4: "The Lord God is my strength, He will make my feet like a deer's" On 3. "And he will raise me up to my heights." (Hab. 3:2-19). Glory even now.

P5: "With my soul I sought Thee by night, and with my spirit I will seek Thee from early morning in my inward parts, for when Thy judgments are done on earth, then those who dwell in the world will learn righteousness. If the wicked are pardoned, he will not learn righteousness; he will do evil in the land of the righteous, and will not look upon the majesty of the Lord." On 14: "Lord, Thy hand was lifted up, but they did not see it." On 13. "Those who hate Thy people shall see and be ashamed; fire shall consume Thy enemies." On 12 "Lord, Thou givest us peace, for Thou also arranges all our affairs for us." On 11: "O Lord our God, other rulers besides Thee have ruled over us, but through Thee alone do we glorify Thy name." On 10: "The dead shall not live, the Rephaim (giants) shall not rise." On 9: "For Thou hast visited, and hast destroyed them, and hast destroyed every remembrance of them." On 8: "Thou hast multiplied the people, O Lord, hast multiplied the people; glorified Himself, spread all the Ends of the earth." On 7: "Lord, in distress I sought Thee, poured out quiet prayers, when Thy punishment came upon him." On 6: "As a pregnant woman at the onset of childbirth suffers, cries out from her pains, so were we before Thee, O Lord." On the 5th: "They were pregnant, tormented, and gave birth as if the wind; salvation was not brought to the earth, and the rest of the inhabitants of the universe did not fall. On 4: Thy dead shall live, dead bodies shall arise. Arise to triumph, you who are prostrate in the dust." On 3: "For Thy dew is the dew of plants, and the earth shall vomit up the dead." (Isaiah 26:9-19) Glory even now.

Item 6: On 14: "I cried to the Lord in my affliction, and He heard me." On 13: "From the womb of hell I cried out, Thou hast heard my voice." On 12: "Thou hast cast me into the depths, into the heart of the sea, and the streams have surrounded me." On 11: "All Thy waters and Thy waves have passed over me." On 10: "And I said, I will be cast away from Thy eyes; however, I will see Thy holy temple again." On 9: "The waters have seized me to my soul, the deep has shut me up; my head was wrapped in sea grass." On 8: "I descended to the base of the mountains, the earth with its locks barred me for ever." On 7: "But Thou, O Lord my God, shalt bring my soul out of hell." On 6: "When my soul fainted in me, I remembered the Lord." On 5: "And my prayer came to Thee, to Thy holy temple." On 4: "Those who worship vain and false gods have forsaken Their Merciful One." On 3: "But I will offer Thee a sacrifice with a voice of praise; what I promised, I will fulfill; with the Lord is salvation." (Jonah 2:3–10). Glory even now.

Clause 7: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of our Fathers, Thy name is praised and glorified for ever. For Thou art righteous in all that Thou hast done to us, and all Thy works are true, and Thy ways are just, and all Thy judgments are true. Thou hast wrought true judgment in all that Thou hast brought upon us, and upon the holy city of our fathers, Jerusalem, because in truth and in judgment Thou hast brought all these things upon us for our sins. For we have sinned, and have done iniquity, having departed from Thee, and have sinned in all things. We have not listened to Thy commandments, nor have we kept them, nor have we done as Thou hast commanded us, that it may be good for us. And all that Thou hast brought upon us, and all that Thou hast done to us, thou hast done according to true judgment. And he delivered us into the hands of lawless enemies, hateful apostates, and an unjust and most wicked king in all the earth. And now we cannot open our mouths; we have become a shame and a reproach to Thy servants and to those who worship Thee. But do not betray us forever for Thy name's sake, nor break Thy covenant. Do not take away from us Thy mercy for the sake of Abraham whom Thou lovest, for the sake of Isaac Thy servant, and of Thy holy Israel, to whom Thou didst say that Thou shalt multiply their seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand on the seashore. We are diminished, O Lord, more than all the nations, and are now humiliated in all the earth because of our sins. And we have no prince, nor prophet, nor leader, nor burnt offering, nor sacrifice, nor offering, nor incense, nor place that we should offer sacrifice to Thee, and obtain Thy mercy. But with a broken heart and a humble spirit, let us be accepted. As in the burnt offering of rams and bulls, and as in the case of thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be before Thee now pleasing to Thee; for there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow Thee with all our hearts, and fear Thee, and seek Thy face. Do not shame us, but do with us according to Thy condescension and according to the abundance of Thy mercy. And deliver us by the power of Thy wonders, and give glory to Thy name, O Lord. And let all who do evil to Thy servants be ashamed; and let them be ashamed with all their might, and let their power be broken; and that they may know that Thou art the Lord God One, and glorious in all the world. Meanwhile, the king's servants, who had thrown them in, did not cease to kindle the furnace with oil, tar, paclay and brushwood." On 14: "And the flame went up over the furnace forty-nine cubits." On 13. "And he broke out and burned those of the Chaldeans whom he reached near the furnace." On 12: "But the angel of the Lord came down into the furnace with Azariah and those who were with him. And he threw the flame of fire out of the furnace." On 11: "And he made it in the middle of the furnace as it were a rustling damp wind." On 10: "And the fire did not touch them in the least, nor did it harm them, nor did it trouble them." On 9: "Then these three, as with one mouth, sang in the furnace and blessed and glorified God." On 8: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and praiseworthy and exalted unto the ages." On 7: "And blessed is the name of Thy glory, holy, and exalted, and exalted unto the ages." On 6: "Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy holy glory, and the most praiseworthy and glorious unto the ages." On 5: "Blessed are You, Who see the abysses, Who sits on the Cherubim, and Who is praised and exalted for ever." On 4: "Blessed art Thou on the throne of the glory of Thy kingdom, and exalted and exalted for ever." On 3: "Blessed art Thou in the firmament of heaven, Thou who art praiseworthy and exalted unto the ages." (Dan. 3:26-56). Glory even now.

Clause 8: "Bless all the creatures of the Lord, the Lord, sing praises and exalt Him forever. Bless the Lord, O angels of the Lord, heavens, sing praises and exalt Him forever. Bless the Lord, all the waters that are above the heavens, all the powers of the Lord, praise the Lord, and exalt Him for ever. Bless, O sun and moon, stars of heaven, praise the Lord, and exalt Him unto the ages. Bless all rain and dew, all winds, praise the Lord, and exalt Him for ever." On 14: "Bless, fire and heat, cold and heat, sing praises to Gosiod and exalt Him forever." On 13: "Bless, ice and frost, hoarfrost and snow, praise the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 12: "Bless, dew and hoarfrost, nights and days. Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 11: "Bless, light and darkness, lightning and clouds, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 10: "Bless the earth, the mountains and the hills, and all the plants on the earth, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 9: "Bless the springs, the seas and the rivers, the whales and everything that moves in the waters, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 8: "Bless, all the birds of the air, beasts and all the cattle, sing praises to the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 7: "Bless, sons of men; bless, O Israel; Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 6: "Bless, ye priests of the Lord, servants of the Lord, sing praises to the Lord, and exalt Him for ever." On 5: Bless, O spirits and souls of the righteous, righteous and lowly in heart, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 4: "Bless, Ananias, Azariah to Mishael, sing praises to the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 3: "Bless, Apostles, prophets and martyrs of the Lord, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." (Dan. 3:57-88). Glory even now.

Clause 9. On 12: "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He visited His people, and wrought deliverance for them, and raised up the power of salvation for us in the house of David His servant." On 10: "What shall save us from our enemies, and from the hand of all those who hate us." On 9: "He will show mercy to our fathers, and will remember His holy covenant." On 8: "The oath which he swore to Abraham our father, to give us, without fear, after deliverance from the hand of our enemies." On 7: "To serve Him in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life." On 6: "And you, Child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for to foresee before the Lord to prepare His ways." On 5: "To make the people understand His salvation in the forgiveness of their sins." On 4: "By the gracious mercy of our God, by which the east has visited us from above, to enlighten those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death." On 3: "To direct our feet to the way of peace" (Luke 1:68-79). Glory even now.

On Monday at the 6th hour of Prokeimenon 1, ch. 4

"The Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." Verse: "Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners" (Psalm 1; 6. 1). Prokeimenon 2, ch. y: "Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice before Him with trembling." Verse: "Why are the nations troubled, and the nations plot vain" (Ps. 2; 11. 1).

At Vespers: Stichera on "Lord, I Have Cried," ch. 1: 1. "I have committed every sin, I have surpassed all in debauchery; if I wanted to repent, I have no streams of tears; but if even now I live carelessly, then I deserve eternal torment. But One Merciful God, give me strength to correct myself and have mercy on me." 2. "Grant me, O Christ, a rain of tears in the beautiful days of fasting, that I may mourn and wash away the filth of pleasures, and appear before Thee cleansed, when Thou, the Heavenly Judge-Lord, come to judge men as Judge and Only Righteous." 3. "Come, ye believers, with diligence: let us put aside every trick of the enemy's deception, having as a shield the indestructible weapon of fasting; let us not delight in the pleasures of the passions, let us not fear the fire of temptations, for which the loving Christ will crown us with the rewards of patience. Therefore, praying with hope, let us fall down and cry out, asking for peace and great mercy to our souls."

Prokeimenon, ch. 6: 1. "Salvation is from the Lord, Thy blessing is upon Thy people." Verse: "Lord, how my enemies have multiplied" (Psalm 3; 9. 2). 2. Ch. "The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him. Verse: "When I cry out, hear me, O God of my righteousness" (Psalm 4; 4. 2).