V. Adamenko Service Book

Clause 7: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of our Fathers, Thy name is praised and glorified for ever. For Thou art righteous in all that Thou hast done to us, and all Thy works are true, and Thy ways are just, and all Thy judgments are true. Thou hast wrought true judgment in all that Thou hast brought upon us, and upon the holy city of our fathers, Jerusalem, because in truth and in judgment Thou hast brought all these things upon us for our sins. For we have sinned, and have done iniquity, having departed from Thee, and have sinned in all things. We have not listened to Thy commandments, nor have we kept them, nor have we done as Thou hast commanded us, that it may be good for us. And all that Thou hast brought upon us, and all that Thou hast done to us, thou hast done according to true judgment. And he delivered us into the hands of lawless enemies, hateful apostates, and an unjust and most wicked king in all the earth. And now we cannot open our mouths; we have become a shame and a reproach to Thy servants and to those who worship Thee. But do not betray us forever for Thy name's sake, nor break Thy covenant. Do not take away from us Thy mercy for the sake of Abraham whom Thou lovest, for the sake of Isaac Thy servant, and of Thy holy Israel, to whom Thou didst say that Thou shalt multiply their seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand on the seashore. We are diminished, O Lord, more than all the nations, and are now humiliated in all the earth because of our sins. And we have no prince, nor prophet, nor leader, nor burnt offering, nor sacrifice, nor offering, nor incense, nor place that we should offer sacrifice to Thee, and obtain Thy mercy. But with a broken heart and a humble spirit, let us be accepted. As in the burnt offering of rams and bulls, and as in the case of thousands of fat lambs, so let our sacrifice be before Thee now pleasing to Thee; for there is no shame for those who trust in you. And now we follow Thee with all our hearts, and fear Thee, and seek Thy face. Do not shame us, but do with us according to Thy condescension and according to the abundance of Thy mercy. And deliver us by the power of Thy wonders, and give glory to Thy name, O Lord. And let all who do evil to Thy servants be ashamed; and let them be ashamed with all their might, and let their power be broken; and that they may know that Thou art the Lord God One, and glorious in all the world. Meanwhile, the king's servants, who had thrown them in, did not cease to kindle the furnace with oil, tar, paclay and brushwood." On 14: "And the flame went up over the furnace forty-nine cubits." On 13. "And he broke out and burned those of the Chaldeans whom he reached near the furnace." On 12: "But the angel of the Lord came down into the furnace with Azariah and those who were with him. And he threw the flame of fire out of the furnace." On 11: "And he made it in the middle of the furnace as it were a rustling damp wind." On 10: "And the fire did not touch them in the least, nor did it harm them, nor did it trouble them." On 9: "Then these three, as with one mouth, sang in the furnace and blessed and glorified God." On 8: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and praiseworthy and exalted unto the ages." On 7: "And blessed is the name of Thy glory, holy, and exalted, and exalted unto the ages." On 6: "Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy holy glory, and the most praiseworthy and glorious unto the ages." On 5: "Blessed are You, Who see the abysses, Who sits on the Cherubim, and Who is praised and exalted for ever." On 4: "Blessed art Thou on the throne of the glory of Thy kingdom, and exalted and exalted for ever." On 3: "Blessed art Thou in the firmament of heaven, Thou who art praiseworthy and exalted unto the ages." (Dan. 3:26-56). Glory even now.

Clause 8: "Bless all the creatures of the Lord, the Lord, sing praises and exalt Him forever. Bless the Lord, O angels of the Lord, heavens, sing praises and exalt Him forever. Bless the Lord, all the waters that are above the heavens, all the powers of the Lord, praise the Lord, and exalt Him for ever. Bless, O sun and moon, stars of heaven, praise the Lord, and exalt Him unto the ages. Bless all rain and dew, all winds, praise the Lord, and exalt Him for ever." On 14: "Bless, fire and heat, cold and heat, sing praises to Gosiod and exalt Him forever." On 13: "Bless, ice and frost, hoarfrost and snow, praise the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 12: "Bless, dew and hoarfrost, nights and days. Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 11: "Bless, light and darkness, lightning and clouds, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 10: "Bless the earth, the mountains and the hills, and all the plants on the earth, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 9: "Bless the springs, the seas and the rivers, the whales and everything that moves in the waters, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 8: "Bless, all the birds of the air, beasts and all the cattle, sing praises to the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 7: "Bless, sons of men; bless, O Israel; Praise the Lord and exalt Him forever." On 6: "Bless, ye priests of the Lord, servants of the Lord, sing praises to the Lord, and exalt Him for ever." On 5: Bless, O spirits and souls of the righteous, righteous and lowly in heart, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 4: "Bless, Ananias, Azariah to Mishael, sing praises to the Lord, and exalt Him forever." On 3: "Bless, Apostles, prophets and martyrs of the Lord, praise the Lord, and exalt Him forever." (Dan. 3:57-88). Glory even now.

Clause 9. On 12: "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He visited His people, and wrought deliverance for them, and raised up the power of salvation for us in the house of David His servant." On 10: "What shall save us from our enemies, and from the hand of all those who hate us." On 9: "He will show mercy to our fathers, and will remember His holy covenant." On 8: "The oath which he swore to Abraham our father, to give us, without fear, after deliverance from the hand of our enemies." On 7: "To serve Him in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life." On 6: "And you, Child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for to foresee before the Lord to prepare His ways." On 5: "To make the people understand His salvation in the forgiveness of their sins." On 4: "By the gracious mercy of our God, by which the east has visited us from above, to enlighten those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death." On 3: "To direct our feet to the way of peace" (Luke 1:68-79). Glory even now.

On Monday at the 6th hour of Prokeimenon 1, ch. 4

"The Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." Verse: "Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners" (Psalm 1; 6. 1). Prokeimenon 2, ch. y: "Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice before Him with trembling." Verse: "Why are the nations troubled, and the nations plot vain" (Ps. 2; 11. 1).

At Vespers: Stichera on "Lord, I Have Cried," ch. 1: 1. "I have committed every sin, I have surpassed all in debauchery; if I wanted to repent, I have no streams of tears; but if even now I live carelessly, then I deserve eternal torment. But One Merciful God, give me strength to correct myself and have mercy on me." 2. "Grant me, O Christ, a rain of tears in the beautiful days of fasting, that I may mourn and wash away the filth of pleasures, and appear before Thee cleansed, when Thou, the Heavenly Judge-Lord, come to judge men as Judge and Only Righteous." 3. "Come, ye believers, with diligence: let us put aside every trick of the enemy's deception, having as a shield the indestructible weapon of fasting; let us not delight in the pleasures of the passions, let us not fear the fire of temptations, for which the loving Christ will crown us with the rewards of patience. Therefore, praying with hope, let us fall down and cry out, asking for peace and great mercy to our souls."

Prokeimenon, ch. 6: 1. "Salvation is from the Lord, Thy blessing is upon Thy people." Verse: "Lord, how my enemies have multiplied" (Psalm 3; 9. 2). 2. Ch. "The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him. Verse: "When I cry out, hear me, O God of my righteousness" (Psalm 4; 4. 2).

Sticheron on the verse, ch. "Let us fast with a fast that is pleasant and pleasing to God. True fasting consists in shunning all evil, restraining one's tongue, suppressing anger, refraining from passions, condemning one's neighbors, lying and breaking one's oath. Abstinence from all this is true fasting acceptable to God."

At Great Compline, the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.

Перед каждым тропарем канона припев: «Помилуй меня, Боже, помилуй меня». Ежедневно до четверга в конце каждой песни читаются положенные в четверг: «Слава; Троичен; и ныне; Богородичен». После же 6 песни поется кондак: «Душа моя, душа моя…» (см. четверг после 6 песни).

Песнь 1. Ирмос: «Помощник и Покровитель явился мне ко спасению; Он–мой Бог, и прославлю Его; Бог отца моего и превознесу Его, ибо Он торжественно прославился».

Тропари в понедельник первой недели: 1. С чего начну оплакивать деяния моей несчастной жизни? Какое начало положу, Христе, настоящему сетованию? Но Ты, как Милосердный, даруй мне оставление прегрешений». 2. «Прийди, несчастная душа, с своею плотию, исповедуйся Создателю всего, воздержись, наконец, от прежнего безрассудства и с раскаянием принеси Богу слезы». 3. «Подражая в преступлении первозданному Адаму, я сознаю себя лишенным Бога, вечного царства и блаженства за мои грехи». 4. «Горе мне, моя несчастная душа, для чего ты уподобилась первозданной Еве. Ты посмотрела худо, уязвилась жестоко, прикоснулась к дереву и дерзостно вкусила бессмысленного плода». 5. «Вместо чувственной Евы восстала во мне Ева мысленная — плотской страстный помысл, представляющий приятное, но при вкушении всегда напояющий горечью». 6. «Достойно изгнан был из Едэма Адам, как не сохранивший одной заповеди Твоей, Спаситель. Что же должен претерпеть я, нарушающий непрестанно Твои животворные повеления?».

Во вторник первой недели. 7. «Превзошел я Каиново убийство: сознательным произволением, через оживление греховной плоти, я сделался убийцею души, вооружись против нее моими злыми делами». 8. «Авелевой праведности, Иисусе, я не подражал, никогда не приносил Тебе приятных дтров, ни дел богоугодных, ни жертвы чистой, ни жизни непорочной». 9. «Как Каин, так и мы с тобою, несчастная душа, принесли Создателю взего жертву порочную–дела нечистые и жизнь невоздержанную; поэтому мы и осуждены». 10. «Оживотворивши глину, как горшечник, Ты даровал мне плоть и кости, дыхание и жизнь; но, Творец мой, Искупитель мой и Судия, прийми меня кающегося». 11. «Пред Тобою, Спаситель, открываю грехи, сделанные мною, и раны души я тела моего, которые злодейственно нанесли мне внутренние убийственные помыслы». 12. «Хотя я и грешен, Спаситель, но знаю, что Ты человеколюбив; наказываешь с состраданием и милуешь с пламенною любовию, взираешь на плачущего и спешишь, как Отец, призвать сына блудного».

В среду первой недели. 13. «С юности я нарушил заповеди Твои, Спаситель; всю жизнь провел в страстях, беспечности и нерадении. Поэтому взываю к Тебе, Спаситель: хотя при конце спаси меня». 14. «Поверженного вред вратами Твоими, Спаситель, хотя в старости не низринь меня в ад, как невоздержного, но прежде конца даруй мне оставление предрешений, как Человеколюбец». 15. «Расточив богатство мое в распутстве, Спаситель, я чужд плодов благочестия, но, чувствуя голод, взываю: Отец Милосердный, поспеши, и умилосердись надо мною». 16. «По мыслям моим я тот человек, который попался разбойникам: теперь я весь изранен ими, покрыт язвами, но, Ты, Сам Христос Спаситель, прийди и исцели меня». 17. «Священник, заметив меня, прошел мимо, и левит, видя меня в беде, обнаженного, презрел; но Ты, воссиявший от Марии Иисусе, прийди и умилосердись надо мною». Марии… (см. ниже после 22).