V. Adamenko Service Book

II. Dismissals of the Lord's feasts at Vespers and Liturgy.

On the Nativity of Christ: "Born in a cave and reclined in a manger for our salvation, Christ our True God. etc.

In circumcision: "Who was pleased to be circumcised on the eighth day for our salvation, Christ our True God...

On Theophany: "Who was pleased to be baptized in the Jordan by John for our salvation, the True Christ

Our God......."

On the Meeting of the Lord: "Who was pleased to be in the arms of the righteous Simeon for the sake of our salvation, Christ our True God......".

In the Transfiguration: "Transfigured in glory on Mount Tabor before His holy disciples and apostles, Christ our True God

On the Sunday of Color: "Who was pleased to sit on a colt for our salvation, Christ our True God..."

On the evening of the same week: "Who voluntarily went to suffer for our salvation, Christ our True God...

On Great Thursday: "Who showed the perfect path of humility by washing the feet of His disciples and, according to the greatest mercy to us, Who descended even to crucifixion and burial, Christ our True God..."

On the holy "sufferings": "Who endured beatings, beatings, crucifixion and death for the salvation of the world, Christ our True God......

On Holy and Great Friday: "Who was pleased to voluntarily accept terrible sufferings, the Life-Giving Cross and burial in the flesh for the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation, Christ our True God......

On Paschal Sunday and throughout Bright Week: "Christ, Who rose from the dead, Who by His death conquered death and gave life to those in the tombs, our True God....."

On the Ascension: "Who in glory ascended from us to heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father, Christ our True God