V. Adamenko Service Book

Stichera on Praise. 1. "We sing of Thy salvific sufferings, O Christ, and glorify Thy resurrection." 2. "Christ, Who conquered hell and by His resurrection raised man! Grant us with a pure heart to sing and glorify Thee."


Stichera on "Lord, I have cried". 1. "Come, let us worship God the Word, who was born of the Father before the ages and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary; for He, having voluntarily endured the cross, gave Himself over to burial, as He Himself willed, and, having risen from the dead, He saved me, a man who had gone astray." 2. "Christ our Saviour destroyed the handwriting against us, nailing Him to the Cross, and destroyed the power of death. We worship His three-day resurrection." (Col. 2:14). 3. "Together with the Archangels, let us glorify the resurrection of Christ, for He is the Deliverer and Savior of our souls, and in majestic glory with a mighty host He will come again to judge the world which He created." 4. "Of Thee, the crucified and buried Lord, the Angel announced to the women, and said: 'Come, see the place where the Lord lay, for Op, according to His Word, was resurrected as the Almighty. Therefore, we worship Thee, the One Immortal: Christ the Giver of Life, have mercy on us." Glory even now: by the Theotokos-dogmatist: "The shadow of the law vanished when grace appeared, for as a thorn bush enveloped in flames did not burn up, so Thou, O Virgin, gave birth and remained a Virgin; instead of a pillar of fire shone the Sun of righteousness, instead of Moses – Christ, the Savior of souls. ours."

Sticheron on the verse: "Thy Resurrection, Christ the Saviour, enlightened the whole world, and Thou didst call Thy creation to Thee; Almighty Lord, glory to You." Glory even now: "O new miracle, the highest of all ancient miracles! Who knew the Mother who gave birth without a husband and carried in Her arms Him who contains all creation? This Christmas is by the counsel of God; And Thou, the Most-Pure One, Who bore Him as a child in Thy arms and hast motherly boldness towards Him, do not cease to pray for those who revere Thee, that He may have compassion and save our souls."

Troparion: "When Thou, the Immortal Life, accepted death, then by the radiance of Thy Divinity Thou didst slay hell: when Thou didst bring also the dead out of hell, all the heavenly ones. The powers exclaimed: Life-giver – Christ our God, glory to Thee."

Theotokos: "Surpass all Thy mysteries of mind and glory, O Theotokos, sealed with purity and preserved virginity, Thou didst appear as the True Matter, Who gave birth to the True God. Pray to Him for the salvation of our souls."

Ipakoi: "After Thy death, wives, having come to the tomb to anoint Thy Body with myrrh, O Christ. O God, they saw angels in the tomb and were amazed, for they heard from them the news that the Lord had risen, bestowing great mercy on the world."

Antiphons: 1. "To heaven I direct the eyes of my heart, to Thee, O Saviour, save me by Thy radiance" (Psalm 122). 2. "Have mercy on us, who sin against Thee every hour in many ways, O my Christ, and grant us before death the means of repentance before Thee." 3. "To the Holy Spirit belongs the reign, sanctification, and movement of creation, for He is God, consubstantial with the Father and the Word," 4. "If the Lord had not been with us, who could have been preserved unharmed from the enemy and at the same time the murderer?" (Psalm 123). 5. "Deliver not Thy servant to their teeth, O Saviour, for my enemies rush against me like a lion," 6. "In the Holy Spirit is the Source of life and power; for He, as God, strengthens all created things, and through the Son preserves them in the Father."7 "Those who trust in the Lord are like a holy mountain, it will not be shaken in any way by the attacks of the devil." (Psalm 124) Glory: "Let not those who live in accordance with the will of God stretch out their hands to iniquity, for Christ does not give up His inheritance to punishment." And now: "The Holy Spirit is the source of all wisdom; hence, grace to the apostles, martyrs are crowned with feats, and prophets foresee."

Irmoi of the Canon. Ode 1: "Once upon a time a supernatural power smote all the army of Pharaoh in the depths of the sea, but the all-destructive sin destroyed the incarnate Word, the Most Glorified Lord, for He was solemnly glorified."

Clause 3: "With Thy coming, O Lord, the wilderness, the barren pagan church, has blossomed like a lily; in it: my heart is established."

Clause 4: "You came, not as a messenger, not as an angel, but Yourself, the Lord incarnate of the Virgin, and saved all of me. Therefore I cry out to Thee, Glory to Thy power, O Lord."

Clause 5: "Thou, O Christ God, hast become a mediator between God and men, for through Thee, O Lord, in the darkness of ignorance we have access to the source of Light, Thy Father."

Clause 6: "Immersed in the abyss of sins, I invoke the endless abyss of Thy mercy; God, save me from perdition."

Kontakion: "Thou, Almighty Saviour, hast risen from the tomb; Hell, seeing this miracle, was terrified and the dead arose; the creature, seeing this, rejoices with Thee; Adam rejoices, and the world glorifies Thee unceasingly, O my Saviour."