The Dogma of Redemption in Russian Theological Science

Bogoslovsky Vestnik. 1905. № 3. From Academic Life: Master's Dispute of Svyashch. I. Orfanitsky // Bogoslovskiy vestnik. 1905. № 3. Solovyov I., prot. On the Dispute of the Holy Scriptures. Orfanitsky // Faith and the Church. 1905. № 2. More about the dispute of the Holy Scriptures. Orfanitsky // Faith and the Church. 1905. № 3.

Orlov L. P., prof. Soteriology of Anselm of Canterbury. in memory of the centenary of the Moscow Ecclesiastical Academy. Sergiev Posad, 1915. Aka. Soteriology of Peter Abelard // Bogoslovsky Vestnik. 1916–1917. Tarasius (Kurgansky), hier. Great Russian and Little Russian Theology of the XVI-XVII centuries. St. Petersburg, 1903; 2nd ed. (under the title: A Turning Point in Russian Theology) Warsaw, 1928.

Seraphim (Sobolev), Archbishop. On the Occasion of the Work of Hieromonk Tarasius "Great Russian and Little Russian Theology of the XVI-XVII Centuries" // Distortion of Orthodox Truth in Russian Theological Thought / Archbishop. Seraphim (Sobolev). Sofia, 1943.


Ashikhmin M., priest. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, according to the liturgical books of the Orthodox Church // Christian reading. 1910. № 1 — 12. Arsen'ev V. O kreposlechenie Svyatogo Predaniya, naydim v bogosluzhdenii Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi [On the Repository of the Holy Tradition, Found in the Divine Service of the Orthodox Church]. 1906–1907.


Textbooks for secular secondary school

a) Preserving the legal understanding of redemption: Berezin M., priest. Orthodox-Christian doctrine. Tver, 1911.

Gorodtsov P., Archpriest. Essays on the Christian Orthodox Doctrine. Ed. 2nd. St. Petersburg, 1903. Zhiloe I., priest. Orthodox-Christian catechetical teaching. Ed. 2nd. Riga, 1913. Padalva D., prot. Orthodox-Christian doctrine. Pg., 1915.

Preobrazhensky S., Archpriest. An exposition of the truths of the Orthodox-Christian faith, hope and love. Ed. 3rd. Odessa, 1913. Roznatovsky K., prot. Fundamentals of Church Self-Consciousness. St. Petersburg, 1910.

Savvinsky I., archpriest. Lessons on the Christian Orthodox Catechism. Ed. 2nd. Astrakhan, 1912.

Sakharov N.; Prot. Essays on Christian Doctrine. Paris, 1921.

b) In the expositions there is a desire to free oneself from the legal understanding (the terms "satisfaction" and "merit" are absent, the concept of "propitiatory sacrifice" is replaced by the concept of "purifying sacrifice", etc.):

Lgeev K., priest. Christ's faith. Part 1. St. Petersburg, 1907.