Who sent Madame Blavatsky?

The word "aura" - from what lexicon: Christian or occult? But only in the "Supermundane" it occurs 34 times (the name of Christ is mentioned in this book only 4 times[585]).

Maybe the "statisticians" lied calmly and smilingly. Or perhaps they are sincere: simply, having been trained in the school of Theosophy, they have forgotten how to count and read.


Ksenia Myalo once fought for "socialism with a human face", now for "Roerich's reading of Orthodoxy". And she always did it in a journalistic way. The intrusions of Xenia Myalo, who is unable to distinguish between a sexton and a deacon, are remarkable only in that they remind us that even in theology there is a place for a smile.

The most serious theological questions related to the interpretation of the Bible and church history, which were touched upon in my book, also did not attract the attention of Myalo.

Not a word was said to Myalo about the completely mutually exclusive interpretations of original sin in the Orthodox and occult traditions. Nor did it consider worthy of its attention the comparison of the meanings that Orthodoxy and Theosophy attach to the Cross of Christ. Nor did she pay attention to the blasphemy against Orthodox saints which were scattered in Theosophical books, and which were refuted in Satanism for the Intelligentsia.

However, it seems that I know a way to force Xenia Myalo to define her own attitude towards Helena Blavatsky more honestly.

"If the story of Yeshua or Jesus ben Pandir is false, then the whole Talmud, the whole Jewish canon, is false... This story is much more true than the New Testament narrative." And what does the Talmud tell us about Jesus?

I apologize to the readers – many of them will be offended by what I am about to quote. But today it is so fashionable to talk about ecumenical reconciliation and the unity of religions, about the fact that Christians should repent, repent, repent before the Jews... Therefore, now I will suggest that you smell a little – what Talmudism smells like in the house.

This is an excerpt from the Jewish book of the fifth century "Toldot Yeshu" ("Genealogy of Jesus"), in which anti-Christian Talmudic motifs are developed: "When the elders of Israel came to the queen, and Judas Iscariot with them, Yeshu stood in front of them, and they stood in front of him. And after much speech and bickering, Yeshu waved his hands, and soared above the ground. All the people who saw this were amazed. Then the wise men said to Judas Iscariot, "May the Lord sustain you, cast him down, fly up, and defile him with your seed, so that all his strength may be exhausted." In obedience to their command, Judas immediately poured into the air, soiled and splattered the evildoer with his ejaculation, whereby he was defiled and fell to the ground, and the evildoer forgot the secret Name. And when he defiled Yesha, he was defiled by the seed and fell to the ground after him. But the wise men, who knew the secret [of what had happened], did not give themselves away in any way, but reviled and cursed Judas Iscariot, and when strife and strife boiled over, they told others that Judas had done wrong to Yeshu." [588]

In such Talmudic stories, according to Blavatsky, there is more truth than in the New Testament. Ksenia Grigorievna, would you also agree with the "great compatriot" here?

Alas, until now Myalo has looked into the theological field only to look for material for polemics with me, and not with Theosophists.

Let us see what is in the Roerich "theology".