Christianity on the Edge of History

So, the "formation of a new world order" is not only "a favorite topic of fighters against Judeo-Masonry." First, the "new world order" is the society predicted by Scripture, in which it will no longer be possible for Christians to live. Secondly, it is a "favorite theme" of all occult movements. Thirdly, it is indeed an undisguised goal of all Masonic movements (as can be seen at least from the apologetics of Freemasonry by Roerich's disciple Klizovsky[6]). Finally, it is simply a historiosophical term that distinguishes between traditionally religious societies and the order of things that were taking shape by the end of the twentieth century. To make sure that it was not the "fighters against Judeo-Masonry" who invented the "new world order", it is enough to read a one-dollar bill: under the pyramid there is a signature - novus ordum seclorum.

Since I am not a political scientist, but a Christian journalist, I write on this topic not because this "new world" will come, not out of futurological excitement. I simply believe that the Holy Scriptures do not need censorship – neither occult, nor "progressive", nor "Christian-democratic". In Scripture, the theme of the "new world order" sounds like a theological topic.

"Here is the Apocalypse... A mysterious book, which burns the tongue when you read it, the heart does not know how to breathe... It opens from the very first lines with the judgment of the churches of Christ... This is a book roaring and moaning..." [7] This is what should be said above all else. The Apocalypse speaks both of the deliverance of Christians from the oppression of "this world" that has become unbearable, and of the fact that the main blame for the triumph of the Antichrist lies not with the "Freemasons", but with the Christians. Christians are tired of being Christians – that's why the light will be weakened. Christians wanted to be something else, they wanted to try the half-forgotten pagan spiritual "exoticism" – that is why darkness will again spread throughout the whole earth "from the sixth hour to the hour... the ninth" (Matt. 27:45). [8] "They will not accept sound doctrine, but according to their own whims they will choose for themselves teachers who will flatter their ears; and they will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn to fables" (2 Tim. 4:3-4). [9]

Perhaps this is the main message of Christian apocalypticism: people themselves will choose a new faith and new masters, they themselves will open the world for the "prince of darkness." The apocalypse does not allow us to hide in cozy formulas: "Everything will work out", "We have nothing to do with it", "It's the enemies' fault". Here it is appropriate to recall the lines of Brodsky:

Why did it all turn out this way? And it will be a lieTo blame the character or the will of God.Was it supposed to be otherwise?We paid for everyone, and there is no need to give up...

But what makes this sad circumstance inevitable: humanity will make its final, final choice in favor of the Antichrist, but not in favor of Christ?

One of the reasons for this is a kind of "asymmetry of armaments" between good and evil. Good cannot choose certain means of earthly policy without ceasing to be good. On the contrary, there are no limits to evil. It can even carry out charitable actions without betraying its own nature (if philanthropic actions are arranged in such a way that, by helping people in one respect, they will strengthen their alliance with evil in other manifestations of their lives, for example, by stirring up the vanity of donors).

Good cannot forcibly invade the consciousness of people. But evil has no limits to hypnocracy[10]. Christians do not set the task of breeding a new race of people through the use of genetic engineering. Neo-paganism, on the contrary, is quite ready to carry out genetic selection work with humanity.

In addition, it is obvious that the "running of the cross" is too deep in a person, the desire to live without work, including the work of fulfilling the commandments. With varying degrees of persistence and loudness, we all mumble in Christ's face the words that Dostoevsky's "Grand Inquisitor" said to Him: "Go away, You are hindering us!" According to the everyday desires of our hearts, "Behold, our house is left empty." (cf. Matt. 23:38).

People will create a way of life, a society in which it will be impossible to find Christ[11]. And this will be the end of the story.

We do not know the timing. It is quite possible that the current neo-pagan boom will fade away in the same way as the ancient Gnostics and Arians, the Bogomils and the Khlysts... It is quite possible that the prophets of the "Age of Aquarius" will turn out to be just another false prophet. The point is not this, but the fact that the further we go, the more the "aspirations of progressive humanity" merge with what the Apocalypse thunders against.

I do not make political forecasts. Simple, that's what the Bible says. And so says Goethe: "I foresee the time when people will cease to please God"[12]... And then the end will come.

One of the main intuitions of the Bible is the perception of history as a sacred space where God and man meet and conduct a dialogue. If history cannot fulfill its purpose, it ends. "Thus time flies and drives everyone with it to the last day of the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ"[13].

Once upon a time, I was haunted by the question: why does history end? Why, with all our sins, does the Creator not give a chance to another, unstained, generation? Then I saw that history is needed as long as a person has freedom. When the freedom of the last choice is taken away, the doors of history collapse. Movement is impossible.