Pavel Florensky Philosophy of Cult

Anthropodicy is the path of the valley, the path of one who has advanced in spiritual achievement, the path is primarily practical. Defending his master's thesis in 1914, Father Pavel considered it necessary to point out that the development of anthropodicy is more complex than theodicy, and therefore he leaves it "more mature and more experienced to the age" [3].

In the broad sense of the word, the issues of anthropodicy were revealed by the priest Pavel Florensky in two large cycles: "The Philosophy of Cult" and "At the Watersheds of Thought" and in a number of independent works ("Iconostasis", "Analysis of Spatiality<and Time) in Artistic and Visual Works"), written mainly in the 1920s. with the God-given rule, archetype 2. the sanctification of a person in the sacraments of the Church, when he becomes sanctified and holy from a sinner 3. human activity, when sacred (cultic), liturgical activity is primary and sanctifies the worldview (science and philosophy), economy and art); its characteristic features (philosophy of consubstantiality, ontologicality, theology, symbolism, antinomianism) and intuitions are traced in a special work (Andronik (Trubachev), hieromonk, Theodicy and anthropodicy in the work of the priest Pavel Florensky, Tomsk, 1998).

In the narrow sense of the word, Father Pavel understood anthropodicy as the cycle "Philosophy of the Cult" proper. Thus, compiling on September 18, 1919, the approximate prospectus of his Collected Works, Fr. Paul, Vol. IV, entitled "An Essay on Orthodox Anthropodicy," having in mind "The Philosophy of the Cult." (The cycle "At the Watersheds of Thought" was to occupy the next V-VIII volumes.)

The first systematic notes, which were later included in the cycle "Philosophy of the Cult", appeared in the work of P. A. Florensky in 1908: observations under the title "Riddles on the Riddles", the topics "Religion and Culture", "Religion, Culture and Worldview", "Cult, Worldview, Economy", "Culture and Cult", "Myth and Sacredness", "Three Types of Theories", "SIN". These notes were related to the course "The First Steps of Ancient Philosophy". From the seventh lecture of this course, "The Religious Origin of Culture," the second lecture "Cult, Religion and Culture" of the course "Essays on the Philosophy of the Cult" was further developed. Most of the preliminary recordings of the cycle "The Philosophy of Cult" date back to 1914-1915, and some of the topics of these recordings were included in Florensky's lecture courses at the Moscow Theological Academy of those years. But plans for a special course of lectures on the philosophy of cult probably came to Florensky only in the spring of 1918, after an offer to give lectures in Moscow.

Letter from S. N. Durylin to Priest Pavel Florensky

"April 19 (May 2), 1918, Moscow.

Dear Father Paul!

You have probably been warned by Mokrinsky that the question of organizing your lectures in Moscow, so desired by very many, has entered the phase of implementation.

The room has already been rented. It is 2 steps from Mich. Al-cha Novoselov), in the gymnasium of the Teachers' Island, accommodates 150 people. The most convenient days of lectures would be Tuesday and Friday, and the hours would be from 4 to 6. But other days are also possible. The fee will be 15 rubles for a subscription for the entire course. Some tickets will be sold at the entrance. The proper composition of students is ensured. Tickets are not on sale for everyone, but will be distributed among people who know and follow. The duration of each lecture is at your discretion.

So, everything external is done. And we are happy to expect from you only the following<her>: 1) the exact name of the course (the topic is entirely for your consideration) and a small program of it, 2) an indication of the days and hours on which you schedule the lectures, and 3) when you open the course, the day of the first lecture. (It is best if the opening of the course is on Fomina and on the above days and hours.) Send this answer to Sergei Iosifovich Fudel, who is in charge of the external part of the case. The answer is needed as soon as possible. Address: Arbat, 47, apt. 1. —To Sergei I. Food<el>.

I kiss you. Greetings to Anna Mikhailovna and the children.

Congratulations on the upcoming holiday. May the Resurrected Christ rejoice us.

Loving you, S. Durylin."

<Lecture plan (not dated)>