«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In order to make up for the non-correction of the rules, fulfill with all your efforts, as I advised you before, the three easy and very convenient rules: never condemn anyone, forgive everyone, and consider yourself the worst in the world. How is it: "Sometimes they reproach you for nothing" – but you were perhaps guilty of that in a week, or perhaps twenty times more guilty. So consider that for this humiliation has been sent to you, so that you may know your former sins and weep over them. And if you say: "They reproach, accuse, and so on for nothing" – so learn to humble yourself and you will always be calm and grateful to those people who reproach you for the benefit of your soul. Get used to thanking God for everything, and you will be saved.

Asking for peace and God's blessing upon you, I come to you with good wishes.

159. St. The Fathers advise you to watch your heart especially carefully after Communion

Christ is Risen!


I received your letters and commemorated you at prayers, but I could not answer either because of extreme lack of leisure, or because of my illness, or because of the illness of my clerk, Fr. John, who asks all of you for holy prayers, so that they would help him in his obedience for the common good, his and yours.

St. The Fathers advise us to watch our hearts especially carefully after the holy great Sacrament of Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, because then the enemy's malice increases because the communicant from the servant of the devil becomes the heir to the Kingdom of Heaven – the same anger in the enemy appears when a person receives spiritual improvement. Seeing his special temptations, do not lose heart, but endure and struggle, for for such a burden you will receive a special reward.

The world of ti. Work, pray, save yourself in the Lord.

Invoking the peace and blessing of God, I remain with sincere good wishes.

160. Train yourself to be silent and pray more. It is better to pray for your sister than to teach her

Sister in the Lord Justinia!

Accustom yourself to be silent as much as possible and keep repeating in your thoughts: "O Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, grace-filled Mary, the Lord is with Thee" – all to the end, and thus you will avoid many sins. St. The Fathers teach this: whoever does not listen to you, do not tell him. It is better to pray for your sister than to teach her. Consider yourself worthless and worse than anyone in the world, never condemn anyone in anything and forgive everyone, and then you will be saved without difficulty. But the condemners, and the evildoers, and the proud, even if they pray, even fast, even if they give away money, if they do not reform, then there is no place for them and there will be no place for them in Heaven, but they will go to hell to the demons to suffer forever without end.

Read the Athonite leaflet more often and let the other sisters read it.

Asking for peace and God's blessing on you and your sister, I come to you with true good wishes