Palestinian Patericon

55. Frequent instruction in the Divine Scriptures lulls the material-loving passions to sleep like wild beasts. Following the example of the Apostle, let us always bear in our bodies the death of the Lord Jesus.

56. Be vigilant, stand still, be sober. No one who sleeps is married. The devil flees the teetotaler and robs the sleeper. Do not let your eyes sleep and your eyelids slumber, that you may be saved, like a chamois from an arrow, and a bird from a shadow.

57. Let us flee from the snares of this life and its cares, which in no way benefit us. Having renounced the world, let us also renounce the flesh, for the all-evil devil has many snares. Looking to heaven, let us count the sorrows of this life for nothing, and let us shorten its care by the hope and power of Christ.

58. Behold, the Bridegroom is coming at midnight (cf. Matt. 25:6): hearken, that when you hear His voice, you will be found ready to go out to meet Him. Blessed is that servant, whose coming, the Lord shall find vigilant (cf. Matt. 24:46).

59. In the Great War, we are in this life. The wicked walk around (Psalm I, 9) with bows strained, and one strikes the ear to passionately listen to condemnations and slander, another to the eyes of lustful gaze, this one to destroy a brother, this one to the belly to lust after food, another hands to steal another's things, and another to let the feet flow to evil. For this reason take up all the armor, in which ye shall be able to quench all the arrows of the evil one that have been kindled (Ephesians 6:13, 16).

60. What does the Lord require of you, if not that you love righteousness, show mercy, and be willing to do anything with the Lord? Let us cleave to the Lord and let us not waste our time in vain, but, as to the good Lord, let us offer Him sincere service. He teaches us and exhorts us, comforts and threatens us, and gives His kingdom as a reward for obedience to those who listen to Him.

61. To whom we are numbered, we must live in the image of them. The Scriptures count us among strangers and strangers. Let us live here as in an inn, remembering that we must get out of it in every possible way. Let us take care both of the way and of what is necessary for the way to eternal life; let us put on the garments in which we are to appear there, that is, as the Apostle commands: in the wombs of generosity, kindness, longsuffering, humility (cf. Col. 3:12), for the Lord says: "Not everyone shall say to me, Lord! God! enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but do the will of the Father who is in heaven (cf. Matt. 7:21).

62. You cannot be the sun, even if it be a star, only rise to the mountain, leaving the earth.

63. Fire is not prepared for us, but for the devil and his aggels: let us not kindle it for ourselves.

64. Avoid contact with women, for not only seeing them and hearing them, but even the supposition of their nearness, is a poisonous arrow. Be sober, that you may avoid the defilement of fornication and uncleanness, for when you approach the fire, you cannot avoid being burned.

65. Pray often, in imitation of David, who praised the Lord seven times a day about the fate of His righteousness (cf. Psalm 118:164). There is nothing more salvific than constant conversation with God in prayer, for who has ever sinned while standing before God? And does not sin come from negligence about prayer? Remember the commandment: pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), not by oral prayer, of course, but ascent in your heart to God, as a censer acceptable to Him.

66. The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night: let us stand on guard over the Lord with a pure soul and sober mind, so that when He comes, He will not find us asleep.

67. Let us hide ourselves within the heart: let there be no rumors and noise, but let the peace of God dwell within us, for the Spirit dwells only in a silent abode.

68. Our names are written in heaven, let us not blot them out with the sharp acid of a lustful life, let not the Lord say to us, "Sons of the begotten and exalted, but they have rejected Me" (Isaiah 1:2) — and let not the reproach of Paul fall on us: "Those who are good, who forbids you?" (cf. Galatians 5:7).