The ascetics are laymen. T. 1

Immediately after its publication, the book "Ascetics – Laity" gained great popularity in the Orthodox world, withstood many reprints in Greece and other European countries. Its author is an Athonite hieromonk, the closest associate of Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain.

The ascetics, whose lives are given in this book, are guides to the Kingdom of Heaven. Opening the way to holiness, which they themselves have walked to the end, they testify that it is possible to become a saint in the world. In every epoch, Christ's chosen ones are born, and thank God, they exist today. Through their prayers, this world still exists.

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The ascetics are laymen. T. 1

With gratitude, it is dedicated to the known and unknown martyrs for the Faith and the Fatherland, thanks to whose self-sacrifice we can freely confess our Triune God today


Among the Saints glorified by our Church, there are many laymen. And these are not only martyrs and new martyrs, but also those who have gained holiness through their righteous, ascetic life in the world[1].

Thus, holiness is not the exclusive prerogative of monks and priests. It can be achieved by every Christian who has the right faith, repentance and ascetic spirit.

Studying the history of our Church, we see that after the end of the persecution of the faith,[2] the most zealous Christians were not satisfied with the simple observance of the Divine commandments in the world, but went into the wilderness for unceasing prayer, evangelical perfection and purity. This is how monasticism appeared.

The life of monks became a model and example for ascetic laymen, and the world gradually developed its own ascetic tradition. It has been passed down from generation to generation. She passed from parents to children who raised children by their own example.

The Orthodox family, this "small church," was the protector, bearer, and school of the evangelical and ascetic way of life. Behind almost every Saint stood a mother, who raised him by the example of her holy and ascetic life[3].

Tradition is an integral part of the historical memory of the people. And one of its most authentic expressions is Orthodox asceticism. It became the fertile soil on which fragrant and beautiful flowers grew – ascetics in the world. Asceticizing among the temptations of the world, they nevertheless attained high levels of spiritual perfection, and some even acquired holiness. This aroma of people's asceticism and piety has been preserved to this day. After all, even today there are people among us who, despite all the difficulties, manage to live a high spiritual life, comparable to the monastic life.