The ascetics are laymen. T. 1

Father John had great faith and hope in Almighty God. He believed that God could perform miracles through prayer: "If I ask God to raze a mountain to the ground, then by prayer, fasting and almsgiving, He will level it. A person who observes these three covenants already lives here on earth as in Paradise."

Once Father John saw in a dream a house in an unfamiliar area, the owner of which was eating a dead dog. After asking his parishioners about this house, the priest went to look for it. The owner of the house was not there (he was working in the field), his wife and son opened the door. However, warned by the villagers about the visit of the distinguished guest, he rushed in, washed, greeted the priest with a bow and kissed his hand. He had heard about the holiness of Father John, about the healing of the demoniac woman, but he was afraid to meet him, since his conscience was burdened. He did not go to church, ate meat during fasting and lived lawlessly with his wife (they were not married). But he had a good heart. He wanted to confess — and repented of his sins. Father John married them, and they henceforth lived as good Christians.

The fame of the pious servant of God, Father John, and his ascetic life, generously flavored with unceasing prayer and miraculous healings, spread throughout the area. People went to consult with him and receive healing through his prayers. He was considered a great man of prayer and a miracle worker. People came to him from various places with their worries and sorrows, and he knew where they came from and the purpose of their visit, and always helped all those who were truly in need of consolation and guidance.

The villagers, who loved him so much, grieved when Father John was transferred to another parish, to the village of Kenurio. He then served in a temple in the Peloponnese. Unfortunately, nothing more is known about the amazing and faithful pastor of the Lord John.

May his prayers be with us! Amen.

VII. Constantine Sotiriou[24]

He was the only son of the vorioipyrots[25] Demetrius and Helena. He was born in 1880 in Ierissbs. His father worked on Mount Athos. When Constantine was seven years old, his pious mother died and his aunt began to take care of him.

One day he got sick, he got a fever. The kid (who was alone at home) went to drink water, but it was nowhere to be found. He lay down and began to cry bitterly: "Why don't I have a mother?" Suddenly, the door of the room opened, a smiling priest in a stole came in and stroked him on the head.

"Who are you?" You're not from our parish, are you?" I know everyone here.

"You're right, Konstantin. I am him (here he pointed to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the house.

- This is St. Nicholas. My mother told me about it.

- Yes, I am St. Nicholas. I have come to help you so that you do not cry.

"I'm sick and thirsty, and there's no water in the jug at all."