The ascetics are laymen. T. 1

He was the only son of the vorioipyrots[25] Demetrius and Helena. He was born in 1880 in Ierissbs. His father worked on Mount Athos. When Constantine was seven years old, his pious mother died and his aunt began to take care of him.

One day he got sick, he got a fever. The kid (who was alone at home) went to drink water, but it was nowhere to be found. He lay down and began to cry bitterly: "Why don't I have a mother?" Suddenly, the door of the room opened, a smiling priest in a stole came in and stroked him on the head.

"Who are you?" You're not from our parish, are you?" I know everyone here.

"You're right, Konstantin. I am him (here he pointed to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the house.

- This is St. Nicholas. My mother told me about it.

- Yes, I am St. Nicholas. I have come to help you so that you do not cry.

"I'm sick and thirsty, and there's no water in the jug at all."

- Get up, look, the jug is full of water.

The boy was surprised, but listened to the Saint. Indeed, the jug was full. Konstantin drank the water, and the temperature disappeared.

"I'm well!"

"Yes, Konstantin. Your aunt will come and bring you something to eat, and you're going to play with your friends outside. Light the lamp and call me when you need me, and I will come to your aid. At this moment, the Saint disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared.

In winter, Constantine lived at home alone and went to school, and in summer his father took him to the Holy Mountain. But it was very difficult for the boy to live completely alone at such a young age, so he had to leave school. He managed to finish two classes when he moved to his father on Mount Athos and began to help him in his work. Pope Constantine was a carpenter in the Athonite monastery of Caracalla.

The pious mother of Constantine taught her son to attend services, confess, fast and take communion. On Athos, his zeal and faith were strengthened even more. He always prayed fervently in the morning and in the evening, making many prostrations.

Several years passed, and Constantine settled in the city of Ierissbs, where he learned the trade of a cooper. He was very conscientious and diligent in his work and soon began to serve all the surrounding villages. He was nicknamed Sotiris Varelas[27]. In the winter, Constantine worked in Ierissos, and in the summer on the Holy Mountain (in the monastery of Caracalla, in various cells and calcives).