Under the Roof of the Almighty

"Mom, we've come up with some fun!" We began to somersault over our heads. And Fedyushka as soon as he sees us upside down, he bursts into laughter. Look, Mom!

"Well done," I said, "now we can go to dinner." Just make the beds, otherwise dad doesn't like mess.

"Will he come soon?" After all, he wanted to do it at four o'clock.

"What if he's released earlier?" Get out.

By the time their father arrived, the children always collected toys, swept the floor - in general, they put things in order. The father, having blessed the children who met him, always looked through the rooms. The guys stared at him, waiting for praise. "Well done, order," my father said. "Did you go out today?" Why aren't wet felt boots on the radiator?"

To earn the praise of my father was happiness. He caressed, kissed the children, was especially gentle with Kolya. At night, Kolya often moved from his sofa to his father's side. What for? Kolya said: "I get scared at night in the dark. I'll move over to my dad, feel his fluffy bore-doo, then I'll sleep peacefully."

The word of the priest was law for the children, it did not even occur to them to disobey their father. However, Fedyushka began to show willfulness early, with which he had to fight. Perhaps this was a consequence of the presence of Natalia Ivanovna, in whose behavior the sensitive child sometimes noticed protests.

"Guys," I say, "call Fedya home.

"They called, but he won't come.

— Ещё раз позовите, скажите: мама тебя зовёт.

— Он все равно не идёт, заигрался в песке.

— Скажите Феде: мама плачет.

Смотрю — бежит Феденька ко мне, спрашивает:

— Ты, мамочка, плакала? Почему?