Under the Roof of the Almighty

I did not answer and went to my grandmother's room, closing the door behind me. After a light supper, I got used to reading the prayer rule: "Grant me a peaceful sleep and serenity, O Lord," I whispered. I ask the Lord to give me sleep and peace, and I will go for a walk," I thought. And from the garden I heard a quiet male voice calling to me through the closed window. But I pretended not to hear that I was dreaming... And I soon fell asleep, praying fervently to God.

And in the morning, my friends told me:

"Why didn't you come out to see him?" My grandmother was not at home, she left. Nikolai was so upset that you didn't come out. He has been waiting for you in the garden all evening. Why don't you want to meet him? Why don't you like him? Is he old? He shaved off his mustache for you to look younger!

I laughed.

"What I liked most about him was his long hussar moustache!" And now they are gone. What a pity!

"So they will grow back to him," Lucy and Vera did not calm down.

I said:

"Girls!" After all, I don't know him at all. Maybe he is married? Who is he?

"Oh, stupid! Yes, the military are all bachelors! Even if he has a wife somewhere, he will never tell you about it anyway.

"So I can't get acquainted with him. First you need to ask dad if you can meet with him...

"We're adults. We are already eighteen years old, and we do not ask anyone...

I didn't ask my dad either, why bother him unnecessarily? I talked to my brother Kolya (it was his last spring, his unit was in Podolsk, and he often came home). Kolya said this:

"You're a girl. If you go to dances, then our officers will call you "walking girl". So don't go.

— Well, thank you for the advice. I'm not going anywhere, don't worry, brother," I said.