5. Эта книга о. Т.[57] у меня есть.

6. + Я очень и очень могу понять о. С. в его «безочаровании», но меня самого спасло отсутствие романтизма. Человек слаб, а задание велико. Будем же дивиться тем чудесам, которые Бог творит через такие скудельные сосуды. Удивительно добро, зло же обычно и всегда ожидаемо. Есть раннехристианское сказание: шел Иисус с учениками, у дороги лежал скелет собаки. Ученики с отвращением отвернулись, а Господь сказал: посмотрите, какие красивые зубы у черепа. Вот эти-то «зубы» меня и удивляют. Их немного, но сам факт существования — чудо.

Поздравляю Вас с новым годом и приближающимся Рождеством. Укрепляйтесь в радости, молитве и благодарении.

Всегда Ваш пр. А. Мень  ------------ 


30/XI 76

Моя дорогая N![58]

Thank you so much for the parcel! The powder[59] will be enough for me not only for the whole winter, but, God willing, for 2 years, so don't worry about sending any more, and the main thing is to search, you don't need to look for anything! If you come across a surrogate coffee drink, then put Lenin's medicines in the parcel, if not, no, and do not rush! I am so ashamed that I am making it so difficult for you!! And here is another assignment to Al. Vl. [60], when you have it, of course. An acquaintance of mine visited me today and said that he had obtained Teilhard's Le phenomene humain in translation (Progress ed.) with one missing chapter. We are going to, firstly, 1) check the translation (we have the original); 2) translate the missing chapter together. But, of course, it is not worth doing this, if he has the opportunity for someone to already take up this matter. So you ask him, and give me an answer, this, of course, is not in a hurry! I think that he has someone who knows the language better than I and my acquaintance (but in the sense of theology, this acquaintance is quite erudite (he is a defroque), about whom I once told Al. Vl. Yes, he must have heard about him anyway), but Teilhard has a very special language and terminology. I will be very grateful if you ask him all this. To be precise, take this letter with you when you go.

That's all for now. Thank you very much again! I am really looking forward to responses to my parcel! I sent a second one to Lyudmila Fyodorovna, so that everything that goes through Svetlana would be done by her, and not by you, and you have so much trouble with me!

Keep in touch! I am always very glad to receive your letters! I kiss you

Y. R.  -------------- 

Ate. Yak. I'll write one of these days! When you talk to her on the phone, "kiss" and promise my letter "one of these days".

Also tell him that if he wants to give me something or at least give it to me for a while (I will always find an opportunity to return it to him), then let him send Volodya to Svetlana and leave it with her, and when she has a chance, she will send it to me. I would very much like, at least for a while, to "Vestniki Ts. B." [64] — to give to someone (un juif[65])) ----------- 
