«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

But what is impossible for men is possible for God: the special mercy of the Lord can touch the heart of the sinner and return him to the path of truth. "Involuntary sin" is one that a person does not foresee, commits it against his will and desire.

Of the great multitude of sins, the most important, grave sins are called "mortal"; for for the unrepentant sinner, who stubbornly abides in them, comes after bodily death, spiritual death, and with it eternal separation from God, perdition and endless torment.

There are seven deadly sins: pride, love of money, fornication, envy, gluttony, laziness and anger.

From these sins, as from seven mothers, all other sins are born.

If these seven sins, these seven mothers, are eradicated, then all their offspring, all other sins will be destroyed.

These mortal sins are similar to those seven demons that the Lord Jesus Christ cast out from the body of the sinner, Mary Magdalene.

They can also be compared to the seven enemies of the people of Israel, who had to be destroyed in order to enter the promised land, which represents the Kingdom of Heaven.

WHAT SINS LEAD US TO DEATH AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEM WHAT IS PRIDE What is high among people is an abomination before God.

In. 16:15 God resists the proud.

In. 4, 6 The most important and most ancient of the deadly sins is pride.

This sin can be defined as follows: pride is immeasurable, exaggerated love for oneself, false reverence for one's own merits and blind confidence in them. "Whoever is infected with pride is inclined to show contempt for everything, even for holy and divine things: pride mentally destroys or defiles every good thought, word, deed, every creation of God.

This is the deadening breath of Satan" (St.

John of Kronstadt).

The proud man is arrogant, verbose, and seeks glory, honor, praise, and obedience from all. "Pride usually shows itself in the fact that the one infected with it makes equal to himself all, or at least many, who are superior to himself in age, in power, in abilities, and does not tolerate being inferior to them.