«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

If a proud person is a subordinate, he does not respect the orders of his superior, he fulfills them reluctantly, out of fear; he equals himself with all the educated and does not give preference to anyone, or very, very few; if he is a scholar or even an unlearned, a son or a daughter, he does not pay due respect to his parents and benefactors, especially simple and coarse ones, considering them equal to himself and even inferior" (St.

John of Kronstadt).

The offspring of pride are innumerable: haughtiness, selfishness, ambition, hypocrisy, pretense, arrogance in manners, boasting in words, pomp in dress, immoderate desires, unfriendliness, the spirit of vengeance, contempt for one's neighbor, and in general all sins contrary to love; for the proud man loves no one but himself.

Pride, with its innumerable offspring, can be likened to the great tree that the proud Nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream.

The top of the tree touched the clouds, and its branches, laden with fruit, stretched to the ends of the earth; in the shade beneath it lay the beasts of the field, in its branches dwelt the birds of the air, and all the animals that take shelter under the tree are vices born of pride.

They flock here as a common center and live quietly under the dense branches.

WHAT IS THE LOVE OF MONEY, INTEREST AND USURY You cannot serve God and mammon (wealth).

Mf. 6:24 The word love of money refers not only to the love of silver, gold, or money, but also to the insatiable desire for all earthly wealth and well-being.

Greed for wealth is idolatry, shameful slavery to gold, which becomes man's master, his god.

Сребролюбец не только тот, кто собирает богатство, но и тот, кто ненасытно желает его иметь.

Не всякий богатый — сребролюбец; но тот, кто любит богатство, кто сердцем привержен к нему.

Когда растет богатство ваше, не прилагайте к нему сердца (Пс. 61, 11).

Если Господь благословляет нас избытком земных благ, то никогда мы не должны превозноситься ими и надеяться на них; но обязаны делиться избытком нашим с бедствующими.

Поступая таким образом, мы запасаем себе, по слову Спасителя, влагалища неветшающие, сокровище неистощимое на небесах, идеже тать не приближается, ни моль растлевает (Лк. 12, 33).