Volume 11. Letters 1836-1841

The eleventh volume of the Complete Works publishes Gogol's letters of 1836-1841.


ru rulitera http://rulitera.narod.ru perl, FB Editor v2.0 2009 http://feb-web.ru rulitera-gogol-pss14-11 1.0 Complete Works in Fourteen Volumes Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1937-1952

Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol

Complete Works in Fourteen Volumes

Volume 11. Letters 1836-1841

N. V. Gogol. Portrait by Goryunov (oil), 1835, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Editorial Board

In contrast to the principles of publication of Gogol's letters, originally adopted by the Editorial Board of the publication (see "From the Editors", Volume X, pp. 5-7), the following changes are made starting from this XI volume:

1. Instead of the general continuous numbering of letters in all five volumes, each volume has a separate numbering of letters.

2. Information about the sources from which the letters are printed, and indications of the place of storage of the originals from the index of letters by addressees are transferred to the commentaries, which creates greater convenience for readers.

A significant part of Gogol's letters published in Volume XI is printed according to the originals (169 letters out of a total of 218). In the absence of originals, letters are published according to authoritative copies stored in the state archives of the USSR (19 letters), and only in the absence of originals and copies, some letters are printed according to the most accurate printed texts (30 letters).

We list the most important archival repositories, indicating their abbreviated designations.

State Library of the USSR named after V. I. Lenin. Moscow — LB

State Historical Museum. Moscow — IM

State Literary Museum. Moscow — LM

Central State Archive of Ancient Acts. Moscow — TsGADA

Central State Literary Archive. Moscow — Central State Archive of Culture