Volume 11. Letters 1836-1841

My loss is the greatest of all - the death of A. S. Pushkin. Cm. Rem. to No 39*.

And my present work is "Dead Souls".

For June and July I am going to Germany for the waters... Gogol left Rome on June 12 or 13 (Shenrock. Materials, III, pp. 191 and 202). Gogol returned to Rome at the end of October 1837 (see No 53*).


Printed according to the original (KAB).

First published by N. Gerbel in "Russian Word" 1859, I, pp. 99-100.

This is the first letter to Prokopovich written after receiving the news of Pushkin's death (cf. NoNo 39, 41, 44 and 53).

Go to Pletnev's... Did he send... The money... Obviously, this refers to the money that Gogol was supposed to receive from Smirdin (see No 39*).


Printed according to the original (IM).

It was first published in Works and Letters, V, pp. 308-311, but is erroneously dated there. Shenrock (Materials, III, p. 188) proved that the letter refers not to 1838, but to 1837.

… to nest with Janin. Letter sent to Geneva: "Près des eaux vives, Pension Janin".

Baiok<ko> is a small coin, two kopecks in banknotes for Russian money of that time.

… in Paris, the hungry invent taste for amusement (Eugene Onegin, Chapter I, stanza XXIII).

…про какого Анненкова ты пишешь…Гоголь сразу не понял, о каком Жанене пишет Данилевский: последний говорит о Жанене — хозяине гостиницы, а Гоголь думает о «Жюле Жанене» — П. В. Анненкове (см.

примеч. к № 27*).

Eaux Vives — предместье Женевы.

Я приехал в Рим как раз накануне светлого праздника…Гоголь приехал 14 марта 1837 г. (См. в

№ 40*: «Два дня как я здесь… Поспел как раз к празднику».)