Volume 13. Letters 1846-1847

The second half of June (New Style).

Gogol's treatment in Greffenberg according to the Priessnitz method, which this time does not benefit him. Letters NoNo 31, 32.

July 4-6 (New Style).

Gogol passing through Karlsbad. He sent P. A. Pletnev an article "On the Odyssey Translated by Zhukovsky" for publication. Letters NoNo 33–35.

July 20-30 (New Style).

Gogol in Schwalbach, by V. A. Zhukovsky. He received the collections "Housewarming" and "Nevsky Almanac" sent by N. M. Yazykov. He entrusted S. P. Shevyrev with the printing of the second edition of the first volume of Dead Souls, and P. A. Pletnev with the publication of Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends. Letters NoNo 37–40.

August 1 (New Style).

Gogol in Ems, where he meets I. P. Tolstoy with his wife. Letters NoNo 41, 42.

July 25 (August 6)

In No 89 of the "Moscow Vedomosti" Gogol's article "On the Odyssey Translated by Zhukovsky" was published.

July – early August (New Style)

The article "On the Odyssey Translated by Zhukovsky" was published in vol. 43 of Sovremennik and No 7 of Moskvityanin.

Early August (New Style)

Gogol's arrival in Ostend. From Ostend he went for a few days to Paris, to A. P. Tolstoy. In Paris, he met his brother Y. F. Samarin. Letters NoNo 42, 44, 47.

August 18 (30).

Censorship permission of "Selected passages from correspondence with friends".

Август — сентябрь (н. ст.).

Гоголь проходит курс лечения в Остенде, куда приезжает и А. П. Толстой. Знакомство с братьями В. А. и Н. А. Мухановыми. Продолжение работы над «Перепиской с друзьями». Пишется предисловие ко второму изданию «Мертвых душ». Н. Миловский. «К биография Н. В. Гоголя». М. 1902, стр. 9-11; письма №№ 45, 46, 48–53.

25 августа (6 сентября).

Цензурное разрешение второго издания «Мертвых душ» с предисловием Гоголя «К читателю от сочинителя».

3-22 октября (н. ст.).