Five Ways to a Child's Heart

"No," said Katie. "I cook, they have other responsibilities, and they do a great job.

"Actually, they know how to cook," Will added proudly. "And not bad.

— You listened to a lecture on "love languages". What "language" do your sons speak?

"It's hard to say," Will shrugged.

"Do they know you love them?"

"Of course—" he began. "I mean, I hope...

"Why don't you ask them about it?"

"Is that what they ask?"

"Why not?" Talk to everyone in private, start something like this: "You know, I want to ask a question, maybe it will seem strange to you, but for me it is very important. Do you think I love you? Please answer me directly. I want to know the truth."

Will hesitated.

"It will be difficult, and is it necessary?..

— Of course, there is no special need. It's just that otherwise you will never know their "love language", the way of expressing love that they understand.

We said goodbye. Will went home, repeating, "I'll never know unless I ask." He started with his youngest son, Buck. When the two of them were in the pasture, Will asked his question. Buck replied, a little surprised.

"Of course, Dad. You love me very much, I always knew that. I see how much you need me. Every time you go to town, you take me with you. You are so attentive, you will always listen. I can talk to you about everything. You have so much to do, but you find time for me.

Will breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter, Dad?" Buck asked. "Why are you suddenly asking?"

"No, no, son, it's all right. I just wanted to make sure...

This conversation took all his strength, and it took a week before Will plucked up the courage to talk to his eldest son, seventeen-year-old Jake. One evening after dinner they were alone in the kitchen, and Will, turning to his son, said:

"Jake, I want to ask you a question... A little strange. But I really need to know the truth. Please don't be shy. Speak plainly. I won't be offended. Do you think I love you?

Jake was silent for a long time, looking away. Then he said:

"I don't know, Dad. Maybe you do. You do everything for my benefit. With my mind I understand this, but with my heart... Sometimes it seems to me that you don't love me at all.