Letters (Issues 1-8)

3. A recipe for infirmities in the fulfillment of the rule

God's mercy be with you, Most Reverend Fr. Archimandrite.

As for your infirmities, as you call them, as I have already written, I do not know how to make a prescription for them. - Endure, fight and reproach yourself when you do not get tired, and that's it. When sleep comes, get up and walk around.

When even here it becomes annoying, begin to discuss with the reader (the rule the novice) about what you are reading.

In the books it is written that when the Jesus Prayer takes strength and penetrates into the heart, then it gives cheerfulness, and drives away sleep. Try this recipe. God is everywhere. If you are vividly aware of this, then there will be no place for sleep, as it cannot be: "The king stands before his eyes." The essence of the Jesus Prayer is to stand before God with the mind in the heart. In the book that is being sent (a collection on prayer and sobriety), much is said about this.

I will not rejoice enough at the shrine you have sent. I am very grateful to you for it. I ask for your holy prayers, your worshiper, Bishop Theophanes. March 19, 1881

4. Чувства и поведение служащего при святой иконе

Милость Божия буди с вами! Бог благословит ваше послушание.

Ведь не в первый раз! Как прежде действовали, так действуйте и теперь. Побольше смирения, поменьше о себе думания; побольше упования на Бога, поменьше самонадеяния; побольше собрания мыслей и поменьше блуждания их, и все пойдет добре!

Всякий раз, собираясь к походу с святою иконою, покрепче взывайте к Богу: помоги и вразуми! Те лица, куда иду, Твои. Не дай мне соблазнить кого чем - большим, или малым. Сам устрой им назидание из всего. И подобное. Себе внимайте!