«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Christ rose from the dead, smiting death with His death and giving life to those in the tombs.

Having straightened - striking. The belly is life.

This troparion is about the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and during His death on the cross raised many from the dead.

What should be said about the feast of the bright Resurrection of Christ?

That it is the greatest feast for us, that it is the triumph of triumphs and the feast of feasts; why Pascha is not numbered among the Twelve Great Feasts.14

Troparion of the Ascension of the Lord

(Feast 40 days after Easter)

In Russian:

Christ our God! Thou hast ascended in glory, having filled Thy disciples with joy through the promise of the Holy Spirit to them, and by Thy blessing hast assured them that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

A promise is a promise.

What is this troparion about?

That Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, rejoiced His disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit to them, and by His blessing assured them of His Divinity and the salvation of the world.

What is the meaning of the words: joy created by the disciple by the promise of the Holy Spirit?

The disciples of Jesus Christ must have felt sorrow from separation from the Lord ascending to heaven. But the Lord, promising to send them the Comforter of the Holy Spirit, thereby comforted them.

Troparion of Pentecost

(Feast 50 days after Easter)


Благословен Ты, Христос Бог наш, явивший премудрых ловцов (в апостолах), низпослав им Святого Духа, и ими уловивший вселенную. Слава Тебе, Человеколюбивый.

Явлей - явивший. Уловлей - уловивший.

В этом тропаре говорится о том, что Иисус Христос ниспослал апостолам Духа Святого и через них привлек к Себе весь мир.

Почему апостолы называются ловцами?

Потому, что они, как рыболовы неводом рыбу, уловляли проповедью людей и приводили их к истинной вере.

Тропарь Преображения Господня

(Праздник 6 августа)