«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Not always. If we pray absent-mindedly, without love or fear of God, if we pronounce prayers with our tongue alone, and at the same time turn our minds and hearts to something extraneous, then such prayer not only does not attract God's mercy to us, on the contrary, it angers God.

What reminds us of God and His saints and helps us not to be distracted during prayer?

Icons before which we usually pray.

What are icons?

The image or images of the Lord God Jesus Christ, His Most Pure Mother, the Virgin Mary, holy angels and holy people.

What can be said about someone who makes the sign of the cross incorrectly and carelessly during prayer, or is ashamed to be baptized?

Such a person does not want to confess his faith in God, Jesus Christ Himself will be ashamed of him at His dreadful judgment (Mark 8:38).

How should one be baptized?

To make the sign of the cross, put the first three fingers of the right hand - thumb, index and middle - together; The last two fingers, the ring finger and the little finger, bend to the palm. We put the fingers folded in this way on the forehead, on the chest, on the right and left shoulders.

What do we express by folding our fingers in this way?

By putting the first three fingers together, we express the belief that God is one in essence, but threefold in persons. Two bent fingers show our faith that in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, there are two natures, Divine and human. By depicting the cross on ourselves with folded fingers, we show that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, Who was crucified on the cross.

Why do we bless the forehead, chest and shoulders with the cross?

For the enlightenment of the mind, heart and for the strengthening of strength.

2. Initial prayers