St. John of Damascus

31. Valentinians: they deny the resurrection of the flesh, they reject the Old Testament, but they read the prophets and accept everything else that can be interpreted similarly to their heresy. They introduce some other fables, the names of the thirty aeons, saying that they came together as male women from the Father of all, and they are called gods and zones. Of Christ they say that He brought a body from heaven and passed through Mary as through a trumpet.

32. Secundians: Epiphanes and Isidore are in touch with them, and they use the same syzygies, they philosophize like Valentinus, but they tell some things somewhat differently from them. They also deny the flesh [of Christ].

33. Ptolemies: they are also disciples of Valentinus; Flora stands in connection with them. And they say the same thing about the syzygy as Valentinus and the Secundians; but in some ways they differ from them.

This is the table of contents of the thirteen heresies in the second part of the first kisha.

In this third section, which contains thirteen heresies, the order is as follows.

34. Mapkosei. A certain Mark was a fellow student of Colorvas. He also introduces two principles. He rejects the resurrection of the dead, and by changing the color of some visions in the bowls with the help of incantations into blue and crimson, he secretly guides deceived women. Like Valentine, he wants to produce everything from the twenty-four elements.

35. Colorvasei. And this Colorvas, while expounding the same thing in the same way, differs in some respects from the other heresies, I mean the heresies of Mark and Valentinus: he taught differently about offspring and eight.

36. Herakleonites. And they seem to talk fabulously about the eight, but in a different way, in comparison with Mark, Ptolemy, Valentinus, and others. In addition, those who die among them, at death, like Mark, are redeemed with oil, fragrant oil, and water, pronouncing over the head of the one who is supposedly redeemed, some invocations consisting of Jewish sayings.

37. Ophites. They glorify the serpent and consider it to be Christ, and the natural serpent, the reptile, is kept in some kind of box.

38. Kayans (Cainites). Together with other heresies that reject the law and Him who spoke in the law, they also think the same thing: they deny the resurrection of the flesh, they glorify Cain, saying that he is of a greater power; at the same time, Judah is also deified, as well as those who were with Korah, Dathan and Abiram, and even the Sodomites.

39. The Sethians. These, on the contrary, glorify Seth, claiming that he is descended from a higher Mother, who repented of having produced Cain. After Cain was rejected and Abel was killed, she came together with the Father on high, and produced the pure seed, Seth, from whom the whole human race was afterwards derived.

40. Archontics: these again attribute everything to many princes and say that from them came into being that which arose. They are also convicted of a certain shamelessness. They deny the resurrection of the flesh and reject the Old Testament. But they use both the Old and New Testaments, adapting each utterance to their views.

41. Cerdonians: they are descended from Cerdo, who took over Heracleo's error and added to his deception. Having migrated from Syria to Rome, he expounded his teaching during the time of Bishop Iginas. He preaches two principles, hostile to each other, and that Christ is not begotten. In the same way, he rejects the resurrection of the dead and the Old Testament.

42. Marcionites. Marcion, a native of Pontus, was the son of a bishop, but, having corrupted a maiden, fled, because he was excommunicated by his father from the church. Coming to Rome, he then asked repentance from those who were in charge of the church at that time, but not succeeding in this, he exalted himself against the faith and began to teach about the three principles: good, just, and evil, and that the New Testament is alien to the Old and Him who spoke in it. but also two, and three, after falls. For the dead catechumens, others are baptized among them. Women are also allowed to teach baptism without hindrance.