Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

2 And it was found in Ecbatana in the palace, which is in the region of Media, one scroll, and in it it is written: "For remembrance:

3 In the first year of king Cyrus, king Cyrus gave a command concerning the house of God in Jerusalem, that a house should be built in the place where the sacrifices were offered, and that a firm foundation be laid for it. its height shall be sixty cubits, and its breadth sixty cubits;

4 rows of stones, three large, and one row of wood; and let the expenses be paid out of the king's house.

5 And the vessels of the house of God, gold and silver, which Nebuchadnezzar brought out of the temple of Jerusalem, and carried to Babylon, let them return, and go to the temple of Jerusalem, every man in his own place, and be placed in the house of God.

6 Therefore, Taphnai, the governor beyond the river, and Shephar-boznai, with your companions the Atharesheites, who are beyond the river, depart from thence.

7 Cease not the work of this house of God; let the Jewish governor and the Jewish elders build this house of God in its place.

8 And a command is given from me concerning how ye shall assist those elders of the Jews in the building of that house of God, and that is, of the king's property, out of the tax beyond the river, take immediately, and give unto those people, that the work may not be stopped;

9 And as much as is needed, whether of bullocks, or rams, or lambs, for burnt offerings to the God of heaven, and also of wheat, salt, wine, and oil, as the priests of Jerusalem shall say, let it be given to them day by day without delay,

10 that they should offer a sacrifice pleasing to the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king and his sons.

11 Мною же дается повеление, что если какой человек изменит это определение, то будет вынуто бревно из дома его, и будет поднят он и пригвожден к нему, а дом его за то будет обращен в развалины.

12 И Бог, Которого имя там обитает, да низложит всякого царя и народ, который простер бы руку свою, чтобы изменить сие ко вреду этого дома Божия в Иерусалиме. Я, Дарий, дал это повеление; да будет оно в точности исполняемо».

13 Тогда Фафнай, заречный областеначальник, Шефар-Бознай и товарищи их, – как повелел царь Дарий, так в точности и делали.

14 И старейшины Иудейские строили и преуспевали, по пророчеству Аггея пророка и Захарии, сына Адды. И построили и окончили, по воле Бога Израилева и по воле Кира и Дария и Артаксеркса, царей Персидских.

15 И окончен дом сей к третьему дню месяца Адара, в шестой год царствования царя Дария.