Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

20 He takes away the tongue of the eloquent, and deprives the elders of their sense;

21 He covers the famous with shame, and weakens the strength of the mighty;

22 reveals the deep out of the midst of darkness, and brings forth the shadow of death;

23 He multiplies the nations, and destroys them; He scatters the nations and gathers them;

24 Takes away the minds of the heads of the people of the earth, and leaves them to wander in the wilderness, where there is no way.

25 They grope in darkness without light, and stagger as drunken.

Chapter 13

1 Behold, all these things my eye has seen, my ear has heard, and has taken note unto itself.

2 As much as you know, I also know, I am not inferior to you.

3 But I would speak to the Almighty, and I would contend with God.

4 But you are gossips of lies; All of you are useless doctors.

5 Oh, if only you were silent! this would be imputed to you for wisdom.

6 Hearken therefore to my reasoning, and heed the rebuttal of my mouth.

7 Ought you for God's sake to speak falsehood, and to speak falsehood for him?

8 Ought ye to have been partial to him, and thus contended for God?

9 Will it be good when He tests you? Will you deceive Him as a man is deceived?

10 He will punish you severely, though you are secretly hypocritical.

11 Does not his majesty terrify you, and his fear not attack you?

12 Your reminders are like ashes; your strongholds are strongholds of clay.

13 Be silent before me, and I will speak whatever befalls me.

14 Why should I tear my body with my teeth, and put my life in my hand?

15 Behold, he is killing me, but I will hope; I would only like to defend my ways before Him!

16 And this is for my justification, for the hypocrite will not go before him.

17 Listen attentively to my word and my explanation with your ears.

E-18 Now, I've brought a lawsuit: I know I'll be right.

19 Who is able to challenge me? For I will soon be silent and give up my spirit.

20 Only do not two things to me, and then I will not hide myself from thy presence.

21 Remove thy hand from me, and let not thy terror shake me.