Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

12 His armies came together, and directed their way to me, and encamped themselves round about my tent.

13 My brethren he hath removed from me, and those who know me shun me.

14 My loved ones have forsaken me, and my acquaintances have forgotten me.

15 The strangers in my house, and my maidservants, consider me a stranger; I became a stranger in their eyes.

16 I call my servant, and he will not answer; With my mouth I must beseech Him.

17 My breath is detestable to my wife, and I must beseech her for the sake of the children of my womb.

18 Even little children despise me: I rise up, and they mock me.

19 All my breastplates abhor me, and those whom I loved have turned against me.

20 My bones cleaved to my skin and my flesh, and I remained only with the skin about my teeth.

21 Have mercy on me, have mercy on me, my friends, for the hand of God has touched me.

22 Why do you also persecute me as God, and in my flesh you cannot be satisfied?

23 Oh, that my words were written! If they were written in a book

24 With an iron chisel with tin, – they were carved on stone for eternity!

25 And I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will raise up from the dust at the last day this skin that is decaying,

26 And I in my flesh will see God.

27 I will see him myself; my eyes, not the eyes of another, will see Him. My heart faints in my bosom!

28 You ought to have said, Why do we pursue him? As if the root of evil was found in me.

29 Fear the sword, for the sword is the avenger of iniquity, and know that there is judgment.

Chapter 20

1 And Zophar the Naamitite answered and said,

2 My reflections impel me to answer, and I hasten to express them.