Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

8 In the mountains he seeks food for himself, and pursues every herb.

9 Will the unicorn serve you, and will he spend the night at your manger?

10 Can you tie a unicorn to the furrow with a rope, and will it harrowing the field after you?

11 Wilt thou put thy trust in him, for he hath great power, and wilt thou give him thy work?

12 Wilt thou believe him, that he shall bring back thy seeds, and lay them upon thy threshing floor?

13 Have you given beautiful wings to the peacock, and feathers and down to the ostrich?

14 He leaves his eggs on the ground, and warms them in the sand,

15 and forgets that the foot can crush them, and the beast of the field can trample them;

16 He is cruel to his children, as if it were not his own, and feareth not that his labor shall be in vain;

17 for God hath not given him wisdom, nor hath given him understanding;

18 And when he is lifted up on high, he laughs at the horse and his rider.

19 Have you given strength to the horse, and clothed his neck with a mane?

20 Can you frighten him like locusts? The snoring of his nostrils is terror;

21 He digs the ground with his foot, and admires the strength; he goes to meet the weapon;

22 he laugheth at danger, and is not timid, nor turns away from the sword;

23 the quiver sounds above it, the spear and the javelin flash;

24 In a rush and rage he swalloweth the earth, and cannot stand at the sound of the trumpet;

25 At the sound of the trumpet, he utters a voice: Gu! Gu! and from afar he senses the battle, the loud voices of the chieftains, and the shouting.

26 Is it by thy wisdom that the hawk flies, and sets out his wings at noonday?

27 Does the eagle soar up at thy word, and build his nest on high?

28 He dwelleth on the rock, and sleepeth in the battlements of the cliffs, and in the places that are inaccessible;