Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

17 The Lord was known according to the judgment which he had done; the wicked are caught by the works of his hands.

18 Let the wicked turn to hell, all the nations that forget God.

19 For the poor shall not be forgotten for ever, neither shall the hope of the poor be utterly lost.

20 Arise, O Lord, let not man prevail, let the nations be judged before Thy face.

21 Bring fear upon them, O Lord; let the nations know that they are men.

22 Why, O Lord, do you stand afar off, hiding yourself in the time of trouble?

23 In his pride the wicked pursue the poor: let them be caught by the artifices which they themselves devise.

24 For the wicked man rejoiceth in the lust of his soul; the greedy man pleases himself.

25 In his arrogance the wicked despise the Lord: "He shall not seek"; in all his thoughts: "There is no God!"

26 At all times his ways are pernicious; Thy judgments are far from him; he looks upon all his enemies with contempt;

27 He says in his heart, "I will not be moved; no evil will befall me from generation to generation";

28 His mouth is full of curses, deceit, and lies; under the tongue is its torment and destruction;

29 He sits in ambush behind the courtyard, in secret places he kills an innocent; his eyes peep at the poor;

30 He lies in wait in a secret place, like a lion in a den; lies in wait in ambush to seize the poor; he seizes the poor, dragging him into his nets;

31 He bends, he leans down, and the poor fall into his mighty claws;

32 He says in his heart, [God has forgotten, He has covered His face, He will never see].

33 Arise, O Lord [my] God, lift up thy hand, and forget not those who are oppressed [to the end].

34 Why does the wicked despise God, saying in his heart, "Thou shalt not seek"?

35 Thou seest, for thou lookest upon injury and oppression, that thou mayest repay by thy hand. To Thee the poor man commits himself; Thou art a helper to the orphan.

36 Break the arm of the wicked and wicked, so that you may seek and not find his wickedness.

37 The Lord is king for ever, forever; the Gentiles shall perish from His land.