Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

17 From the voice of the reproach and the slanderer, from the sight of the enemy and the avenger:

18 All these things have come upon us, but we have not forgotten thee, neither have we broken thy covenant.

19 Our heart has not turned back, neither have our feet deviated from thy way,

20 when thou hast crushed us in the land of dragons, and hast covered us with the shadow of death.

21 If we had forgotten the name of our God, and stretched out our hands to a strange god,

22 then would not God have sought this? For He knows the secrets of the heart.

23 But for thy sake we are slain all the day, and we are reckoned as sheep to be slaughtered.

24 Arise, that thou sleepest, O Lord! Awake, do not reject forever.

25 Why do you hide your face, and forget our affliction and our oppression?

26 For our soul is humbled to dust, our womb is clung to the earth.

27 Arise to our help and deliver us for the sake of your mercy.

Psalm 44

1 To the head of the choir. On the musical instrument Shoshan. Teaching. The sons of Korah. Song of Love.

2 A good word has poured out of my heart; I say, My song is about the King; my tongue is the reed of a scribe.

3 Thou art more beautiful than the sons of men; grace has flowed out of Thy mouth; therefore God has blessed thee for ever.

4 Thou shalt gird thy thigh with thy sword, O mighty one, with thy glory and thy beauty,

5 And in this adornment hasten, mount thyself in the chariot for the sake of truth, and meekness, and righteousness, and thy right hand shall shew thee wondrous works.

6 Sharp are Thy arrows, O Mighty One, the nations shall fall before Thee, they are in the heart of the enemies of the King.

7 Thy throne, O God, endureth for ever; the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Thy kingdom.

8 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity: wherefore hast thou anointed thee, O God, thy God, with the oil of joy more than thy fellow-partakers.

9 All thy garments are like myrrh, and scarlet, and cassia; from the palaces of ivory they gladden Thee.